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结果术后8例颏下岛状瓣成活。Results The submental island flap survived in 8 cases.

目的评价颏下岛状皮瓣的临床应用效果。Objective To evaluate the clinical effect of submental island flap.

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结论颏下区岛状肌皮瓣可用于一期修复颊部洞穿性缺损。Conclusion Adopting submental area insular musculocutaneous skin valve was an effective way.

以颏下动脉为蒂8例,颏下动脉联合颌外动脉近心端为蒂1例。The flap pedicle included submental artery in 8 cases and both submental artery and facial artery in 1 case.

目的应用颏下区岛状肌皮瓣一期修复颊部洞穿性缺损。Objective To apply submental area insular musculocutaneous skin valve to stage 1 restoration jaw caved defect.

同时,面动脉、颏下动脉、舌下动脉的穿支之间存在丰富的吻合。There were multiple anastomosis between perforators from the submental artery, facial artery, and sublingual artery.

首发部位依次为颈部、颌下、颏下、口腔、腮腺区。The sequence of the first region were neck, submaxillary region, submental region, oral and parotid region respectively.

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常规切除舌骨将环状软骨与舌根及颏下肌肉吻合。Hyoid bone and arytenoid cartilages were resected and cricoid cartilage anastomosis with the base of the tongue and submental muscles.

目的探讨颏下岛状皮瓣在口腔颌面部肿瘤切除后软组织缺损修复中的应用。Objective To explore the application of submental island flap in repairing tissue detect after oral maxillofacial region neoplasm resection.

颏下表面肌电计可以在呼吸周期中标记每个吞嚥动作,且用逻辑性迴归进行统计分析。Submental surface electromyogram allowed marking of each swallow during the respiratory cycle, and logistic regression was used for statistical analysis.

鲁特维格氏咽峡炎是一种急性发作、进展迅速,而且可能引起呼吸道阻塞而致命的蜂窝性组织炎。Ludwig's angina is a rapidly spreading, potentially life-threatening infection involving the submental space and the submandibular and sublingual spaces bilaterally.

方法应用颏下皮瓣修复下咽癌术后缺损及喉功能重建术16例。Methods The submental flap was applied to repair postoperative defects and to reconstruct the laryngeal function in 16 patients suffering from hypopharyngeal carcinoma.

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目的探讨颏下皮瓣修复下咽癌术后缺损和喉功能重建的临床价值。方法应用颏下皮瓣修复下咽癌术后缺损及喉功能重建术16例。Objective To study the clinical application of submental flap for repair of postoperative defects and reconstruction of the the laryngeal function in hypopharyngeal carcinoma patients.

结论经颏下进路气管内插管是一种安全有效的插管方式,在复杂面部骨折手术治疗中可以替代气管切开气管内插管。Conclusion Submental endotracheal intubation is a secure and effective technique of airway management, an alternative to tracheotomy in treatment of patients with complex facial fractures.