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你如果注意饮食,减肥并不难。It is easy to re duce if you watch your diet.

或许这次的决定是由领袖一人作出的。Perhaps this has all been done by one Tweet by il duce.

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在产品生命周期中减少能量和材料的消耗。Re- duce energy and material consumption throughout the product's life cycle.

几个月来,他们希望推翻法西斯党的领袖,结束法西斯政权。For months they had been hoping to overthrow the Duce and put an end to the Fascist regime.

这时,这些男人和女人能够免于国家的监控和市场的利益压力,自由的创作作品。Thesemen and women could then pro- duce work free of both state regulation and thedistorting pressures of the market.

推算定位技术是大规模分布交互仿真系统缓解网络传输延时及减少网络通讯量的传统方法。Dead reckoning is a technique to re duce latency and communication costs in distributed interactive simulation systems.

塑料包装废弃物严重污染环境,对其进行回收处理应尽量减少污染。Plastics Packagin castoff pollute circumstance severely, recycling for it should re duce the pollution as much as possible.

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一只够分量的喇叭足以呈现出强劲的合奏曲以及极为细微的柔美的音色。A speaker that had enough power reserves to faithfully repro duce powerful tutti passages as well as the subtlest pianissimo.

在那时,你只能有一点生产剩余,或者根本没有剩余,你只有不停歇的艰辛的劳动才能生存。Whereyou can pro- duce only a slim economic surplus, or scarcely any surplus at all, you will perish without ceaseless hard labour.

而星巴克的招术是选择繁华街道的黄金地段,在那儿咖啡店会吸引那些去看的和被看的人群。Starbucks'solution is to select high-profile locations on the busiest streets, where stores are sure to se duce the see-and-be-seen set.

将这种盘式永磁同步发电机应用于变速恒频风力发电系统中,可以有效地利用资源,降低风电成本。This type generator is applied to the wind energy system, it can make use of resource adequately and re- duce the cost of the wind energy.

在社会互动行为中,预测其他人会说什么,会有什么感觉,或有什么新信息即将推出往往是很不容易的。In social interaction, it is not always easy to predict what other people will say, how they will feel, or what new information they will intro duce.

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它是大面积食物中毒的主要原因之一,严重感染者会引发败血症、肾功能衰竭等危及生命的并发症。They are one of the major causes of food-borne outbreaks and can pro- duce life -threatening complications ranging from blood diarrhea to renal failure.

结论需求性护理可以减轻患者的心理压力,改善患者的生存质量,值得临床推广应用。Conclusion Demand of nursing can re- duce the patients' psychology pressure and improve the life quality of patients, and be worthy of clinical application.

药品集中招标采购政策的推广是希望发挥其经济功能和公共政策功能,降低药品虚高价格,最终减轻患者负担。The purpose of medicine concentrate biding and purchase is to play its economic and public role, to re- duce its false price, thus to mitigate patients burden.

本文分析了当今安全管理系统暴露出的诸多问题,并且在基于XML的安全管理平台中引入了信任管理机制。In this paper, we analyze the problems exposed by the current security management systems, and intro- duce the trust mechanism to XML-based security management platform.

最后,为了减少对每笔资料贴上标签的麻烦,我们的模型使用了一个以规则为基础的标签机制来处理不同等级的资料。Finally, to re- duce the overhead associated with individual data labeling, we introduce a rule-based labeling mechanism to associate data with their access levels correspondingly.

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蒙赛尔建立在光的基础上的理论假定颜色是添加剂,如果把光谱中所有的颜色混合在一起,就会产生白色的光,太阳光就是一个普通的例子。Munsell's theory, based on light, assume that color is additive and that all the colors of the spectrum, when mixed together, pro duce white light, the common example being sunlight.

本文介绍一种用无机复合抗菌剂制备的乳胶漆,具有明显的抗菌抑菌作用和长期抗菌效果。This text intro- duce a kind of emulsion paint that prepare with inorganic compound the antibiotic pharmaceutical, have obvious antibiotic bacteriostasis and antibiotic result for a long time.

贝托尼•墨索里尼正在用他的纳粹主义的“钢铁协议”做着欺骗,当协约国称他为骗子,领袖上一年秋相当尴尬的放弃了,而且宣称“非交战状态”。Benito Mussolini was caught bluffing with his Nazi-Fascist "Pact of Steel, " and when the Allies called his bluff, II Duce rather awkwardly last fall backed down and declared "non-belligerency.