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我的室友知道有个女人想弃养她的婴儿。A housemate of mine knew a woman who wanted to give away her baby.

我心目中的理想室友是一个性情平和﹐不惹是生非的人。My ideal housemate would be someone who is laid-back and drama-free.

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但是,和我住在一起的人坚持要去德里度过一年仅一次的万圣节狂欢夜。However, my housemate insisted that for Halloween in Derry we had to.

房客们不可以威胁或使用肢体暴力对待其他房客。Housemates must not threaten or use physical violence towards any other Housemate.

和我住同一幢房子的汤米.凯普兰在肯尼迪的办公室工作,因此我知道那里的情况。My housemate Tommy Caplan was working in Kennedy’s office, so I knew what was going on there.

今天室友清理下水道口的头发时弄坏了淋浴,把楼下的商店淹了。Today, my housemate broke our shower and flooded the shop downstairs, trying to remove hair from the drain.

我最难忘的厨房时刻要回到今年三月份。我的室友举办了一个以动物为主题的生日聚会。My best kitchen memory was back in March this year when my housemate organized a birthday party with an animal theme.

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23岁的梅琳达,尽管有千万个理由对体育说“不”,但她耐住性子,跟她喜欢的室友看了一场又一场的冰球。Melinda, 23, sucked up her blasé attitude toward sports and watched hours upon hours of hockey with a housemate she wanted to pounce.

我和室友在迷你市场买了猪肉片、金针菇、玉粟黍、鸡肉香肠还有一颗拿来当甜品的苹果。My housemate and I went to mini market and bought some pork slices, golden needle mushroom, corn, chicken sausage, and an apple for myself.

当你一旦决定分享你私人空间与一位长期伴侣,那一定要按你的规矩来,你不为容忍发号施令专横无理的另一半。When you do decide to share personal space with a long-term companion, it has to be on your terms and you won't tolerate a bossy or overbearing housemate.

无论是你的室友快把你逼疯了,还是你有一个最好的朋友想搬进来,这些技巧都能帮你想办法摆脱另你讨厌的室友。Whether your roommate is driving you crazy or you have a best friend who wants to move in, these tips can help give you ideas on how to eliminate that unwanted housemate.

也许你想让你心情郁闷的室友或家庭成员能振奋起来,让他们在床上吃印有“早上好”图案的吐司早餐就能把他们回复笑脸。Perhaps you want to cheer up a housemate or family member who has been down in the dumps making them breakfast in bed with "Good Morning" in their toast is sure to put a smile back on their face.

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在我写文章的时候,我就能屏蔽掉墙壁里耗子的声音,以及暴力的醉酒室友在厨房里大肆破坏的喧闹。I wrote because when I was writing, I could block out the sound of the rats in the walls and the racket of a violent, drunkenly abusive housemate rehearsing destructive relationships in my kitchen.