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花点时间去了解课程内容和教学大纲。Take the time to look at class descriptions and syllabi.

我可以在上课前在电脑上先确认课程大纲吗?。Can I check the course syllabi online before classes begin?

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此光碟提供了查阅表,列出与课题相关的生物课程。A lookup table is provided, keying Biology syllabi to the topics.

该网站包括进入教学大纲,实践考验,过去的文件,并研究提示。The site includes access to syllabi , practice tests, past papers, and study tips.

各科审定内容依本系课程大纲为准。The content for inspection in each course will depend on the course syllabi in the department.

事实上,他们做了这么好的工作,我已经看到这种西班牙语翻译书在智利大学教学大纲。In fact, they have done such a good job that I have seen this book on college syllabi in Chile.

随信附上我的工作履历表和一些供您参考,若您将来有任何问题请不用客气随时与我联络。I have attached a copy of my curriculum vitae and a couple of course syllabi for your reference.

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网络调查显示开设数字图书馆专业课程的大学四年内增加了三倍。For this study, a Web survey was conducted of syllabi of courses on the subject of Digital Libraries.

尽管如此,它是第一个回忆录,通常出现在高中和大学教学大纲或选集。Still, it is the first memoir that usually appears on high school and college syllabi or in anthologies.

三个科务会议将举行,以评估大纲和总体协调和管理问题。Three Panel Meetings will be held to evaluate the syllabi and overall coordination and management of the subject.

需要加强的是对基础英语和专门用途海事英语教学的连贯性和衔接性。However, the continuum between Basic English and professional Maritime English is not satisfactory in the present syllabi.

首先,收集你课程的全部教学大纲,知道考试日期、论文或演讲…截止日期等等。First, collect all of your course syllabi so you have access to your exam dates, paper or presentation due dates, and so on.

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这项长达18个月的试验计画将从2007学年度开始,提供7个科目的录影、课程大纲与文字纪录。The 18-month pilot project will provide videos, syllabi and transcripts for seven courses beginning in the 2007 academic year.

高质量的教学大纲不再基于教科书,而是依靠来自印刷或电子资源的最新信息。High-quality syllabi are no longer based on textbooks but on the most up-to-date information from print and electronic sources.

本会部分考试大纲及历届试题可供免费下载,详情请参阅教学及学习资源订购表格。Some of the syllabi and past papers are available to download at free of charge. Please refer to our Publications order form for details.

从教育公平性的角度审视课程设计,本文提出可以选择一种解决方案,即增加教学大纲,其中包括核心大纲与扩展大纲。The article first distinguishes the differences between curricula and syllabi and proposes to design core and extended syllabi as an additional document in the English curriculum.

作为本学院中国视觉艺术学科主任,我一直以来负责设计中国书法、篆刻及中国艺术史的课程大纲并教授这几门课。As the Head of the Chinese Visual Arts concentration at AVA, I have been responsible for designing and implementing the syllabi for Chinese Calligraphy, Seal Engraving and Chinese Art History.

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阿加德的这种观念得到了教育管理部门的认可,最后,他们同意,鉴于多种文化混合的英国学生们不再只遵循旧课程大纲上课。Agard's philosophy has been taken to heart by the educational establishment, which has, at last, accepted that England's multicultural mix of pupils was simply not being served by the old syllabi.

涉外经济专业课程设置、教学计划、教学大纲以及教学内容都已明显落后于日新月异的现实经济生活。The specialized courses offered to foreign economy majors of Chinas colleges and uaiversities, teaching plans and syllabi concerned apparently fail to catch up with the fast changing economic life.

我们的目的就是要解答这个问题,并希望可以使认识的朋友一起上课,选课的时候也有个商量,拿起教学大纲,从而诞生了这门哈佛课程。Well our goal here was to answer that question for people and then hopefully facilitate friends getting together, shopping courses with each other, for each other, picking up syllabi and thus was born what we dub Harvard Courses.