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他把自己装扮成一个茶叶商。He disguised himself as a tea trader.

这个商人经常表现得不诚实。The trader is always showing dishonesty.

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让我们回到流氓交易员一事上来。This brings us back to our rogue trader.

秦皇岛港一位煤炭贸易商说。A coal trader at Qinghuangdao Harbor said.

这个商人在谈判中拗强固执。The trader was obstinate in the negotiation.

其馀的只取决于交易人而已。The rest of course depends on the trader only.

他开始当批发商人的学徒。He began an apprenticeship as wholesale trader.

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佛瑞斯特与华尔街众多的交易员不同,他不做短线交易。He's not a day trader like many on Wall Street.

这个商人说服我买了他的货物。This trader persuaded me into buying his goods.

这家公司是国际粮食贸易公司.The company is an international trader in grain.

他曾是一名债券交易员,在经济衰退时被解雇了。He was laid off in the downturn as a bond trader.

我能看到许多城市商人在这找到了涅槃。I can see many a City trader finding Nirvana there

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我有个兄弟,他住在金沙萨,是个生意人。My brother lives in Kinshasa where he is a trader.

那个推着板车的商贩正在卖西瓜。The trader pushing small dray is selling watermelon.

这是一个外汇交易的直接经验。This is a foreign exchange trader direct experience.

人们谈起乔氏是个列外。People talk about a trip to Trader Joe’s as an event.

安杜薇尔是一名罕见的女性奥吉姆商人。Anduvil was a rare example of a female Ogemite trader.

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加拿大毛皮商和探险家。Canadian explorer and fur trader. Born in Bennington, N.

嘿,继续讲你有趣的故事,我无辜的商人。Eehen, continue with your fine story, my innocent trader.

败功地交易者没有怕在高位时买进,在低位时卖入。The successful trader is not afraid to buy high&sell low.