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你听说过惠特尼·休斯顿的名字吗?Have you heard of the name of Whitney Houston?

同时,惠特妮还从事模特工作。At the same time, Whitney pursued a career in modeling.

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等我们再回到教堂门口,惠特尼已经在收起帐篷。Back at the church door, Whitney is up and stashing their gear.

随后这场持续数周的战争打响了,这都归咎于伊莱·惠特尼And then we have a great war for weeks and it's all Eli Whitney.

普惠Rocketdyne技术公司是一家合资公司。Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne is a United Technologies Corp. company.

他们认识的时候,惠特尼刚刚被她工作的超市炒了鱿鱼。Whitney had just lost her job at a local supermarket when they met.

在接下来的那天中午,我们开始攀登惠特尼山。In the middle of the following day, we began to climb up Mount Whitney.

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当惠特妮落榜的时候,他和家里的其他人一样失望沮丧。When Whitney didn't qualify, he was left devastated like the rest of the family.

惠特尼和斯科特并不打算一直流浪下去,而且他们最近结婚了。Whitney and Scott are eager to be off the streets, and they recently got married.

一个前英国警察准备为超级巨星惠特尼·休斯顿放弃他自己的生命。A former British bobby is prepared to lay down his life for superstar Whitney Houston.

星期五晚上有空吗?我多一张惠特妮·休斯顿演唱会的票。Are you available Friday nighty I have an extra ticket to the Whitney Houston concert.

惠特尼是高中学历,斯科特在布鲁克林上过一年社区大学。Whitney graduated from high school and Scott did a year at community college in Brooklyn.

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当我听到玛丽亚·凯利的音乐后,我完全地把席琳·迪翁和惠特尼·休斯顿抛在了脑后。The moment I heard Mariah's songs, I stopped listening to Celine Dion and Whitney Houston.

我把椅子折起来,寄存在公寓门应那儿,把盛着食物的包留给了惠特尼。I fold up my chair, stash it in the entry to my building, leave the bag of food with Whitney.

我攀登过南加州大部分的山峰,如鲍尔迪山和惠特尼山。I've climbed most of the peaks in the Southern California, like Mount Baldy and Mount Whitney.

斯科特和惠特尼是两年前在大学里邂逅的,纽约红钩的巴德学院。Scott and Whitney met on the campus of Bard College in Red Hook, NY two years ago this January.

他攀登过南加州大部分的山峰,如鲍尔迪山和惠特尼山。He has climbed most of the peaks in the Southern California, like Mount Baldy and Mount Whitney.

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我攀登过南加州大部分的山峰,如鲍尔迪山和惠特尼山。I've climbed most of the peaks in the Southern California, like Mount 2 Baldy and Mount Whitney.

这也许有点极端,但是惠特尼女士还是坚持繁荣的年代还没有到来的观点。That may be extreme, but Ms. Whitney argues that the boom years are not coming back anytime soon.

早期型号的KC-135使用的动力是由普拉特·惠特尼公司提供的四个涡轮喷气发动机。Propulsion on the early models of the KC-135 was supplied by four Pratt & Whitney turbojet engines.