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所以我们只好绕道而行。So we have to bypass.

跟我套近乎旳麻烦你请绕道。Follow me. Trouble you please bypass.

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校验进气阀和旁通阀。Checksum intake valve and bypass valve.

看来这周我的幽默绕道而行了。Appears I had a humour bypass this week.

站到前面来,或者绕过这条队伍。Push up to the front or bypass the queue.

这条新公路把我们村同城市连结起来。The highway was built to bypass the town.

一条新的绕城环路正在建设当中。A new bypass around the city is being built.

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过滤器和旁通阀是另外的装备。Strainer and bypass valve are extra equipment.

这是一个令人难以置信的制作精良的旁路剪。This is one incredibly well-made bypass pruner.

同样在5500新的是一个真正的硬线绕行。Also new on the 5500 is a true hard-wire bypass.

这幢房子地处幽静之处,远离公路支路。It was a quiet location far from the highway bypass.

而Braingate做的就是绕过损坏的连接。What BrainGate does is bypass the broken connection.

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评价是否胃分流术术前准备是否完善Evaluating if you're ready for gastric bypass surgery

唯派尔如何预防支架和搭桥手术?。How does V-Power prevent surgeries of stent and bypass?

如何绕过这场金融危机的险滩?How to bypass the dangerous shoals of this financial crisis?

所以尽管这样说,他们做的却是绕道而行,即资助非政府组织。And so what they also do is the total bypass. Just fund NGOs.

因此,随着旁通阀关闭,部分负载的效率也随之降低。In part loads the closed bypass valve worsens the efficiency.

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我有三条静脉出现了堵塞,需要做个三支搭桥手术。Three of my veins had furred up and I needed a triple bypass.

我不理会她,径自闷头喝酒。I bypass her, the without acquainting anyone muggy head drinks.

直到你的血管完全堵塞,需要做搭桥手术。Until you're completely clogged up and need a bypass operation.