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拿一个陀螺。Take a top.

放些起司在上面。Cheese on the top.

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我给你满上这杯。Let me top you up.

我都爬到山顶了。Climbed to the top.

他喜欢站在最高处。He loves it on top.

我要给这个箱子盖上盖儿。I will top the box.

这里就是我的顶级六条。Here are my top six.

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陀螺在旋转。The top is spinning.

站在柳树稍。On top of the willow.

翼形螺母的俯视图。Top view of wing nut.

这里有个陀螺。And I have here a top.

我想看看中服。I'm looking for a top.

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花边系统之上。Lace-up system on top.

支持的顶下。Support under the top.

在249页出现了。This is the top of 249.

方头螺栓的俯视图。Top view of square nut.

塔顶的菲涅尔透镜。Fresnel lens on the top.

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我高兴到了极点。I am on top of the wold.

我还是班里的尖子生。I'm now top of my class.

想象一个陀螺的上部。Think of a spinning top.