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可以选择我自己的路线。I can choose my own route.

我们要走那条路。We should take this route.

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可以给我张巴士线路图吗?May I have a bus route map?

对他们来说这条路很好。It's a good route for them. So

有丝分裂的途径可以看到。The mitotic route can be seen.

这条线有许多车可转。This route has many transfers.

你船必须沿西航路航行。You must proceed by west route.

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这就是时间的行走路线?Is it the stepped route of time?

神秘主义,直达上帝之路Mysticism, a direct route to God

哪条线路不堵车?Which route has no traffic jams?

汽车拉力赛的这个路线图。The whole route of the auto race.

这条航路是新开发的。This air route is newly developed.

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改变你的跑步时间和路线。Change your run time or your route.

让我帮您查一下公交路线。Let me check the bus route for you.

游行路线沿线挤满了人群。Crowds lined the processional route.

这条路迂回地通向海滩。This route is indirect to the beach.

我们绕远道驾车回家。We drove home by a roundabout route.

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你满意九巴的路线选择吗?。Are you satisfy on the KMB Bus Route?

有些国家就是这样。Other countries have gone that route.

我们开车绕道回的家。We drove home by a roundabout route.