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寥寥数人的拉丁语班背诵时显得无比自豪。The meagre Latin class recited with honor.

我眼中,爸爸总是这样,对我的爱如此微少。My eyes, dad is always like that, for I love so meagre.

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他除了那份极微薄的骑兵队队长的半薪之外,什么都没有。He had nothing save his meagre half-pay as chief of squadron.

他容貌清瘦,头发又稀又长,嗓音低沉。His visage was meagre , his hair lank and thin, and his voice hollow.

相比之下,洋酒在中国的销量仅为8000万公升。International spirits, by comparison, sold a meagre 80m litres in China.

和这套公式有关的辐射效应是可以相加的。Our knowledge regarding the effects of ionizing radiations is still meagre.

为了添补其微薄的收入,他经常与朋友们一起去钓鱼。To supplement their meagre income, often he used to go fishing with his friends.

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直到他们下一次的官方会议他们才作出了增加配额的决定,但也是杯水车薪。Only at their next officially scheduled meeting did they come up with a meagre quota increase.

在马可来看,这位先驱者的生命是非常贫弱的,没有新的细节可以收集。From St. Mark, whose account of the Precursor's life is very meagre , no new detail can be gathered.

那些没有被强行拉去以修筑公路的人,以刚够糊口的农业和打鱼生活。Those not pressganged into road construction at meagre wages live by subsistence farming and fishing.

而第一口母乳对于弥补仔猪非常微量的能力储备,为仔猪提供获得性免疫非常重要。The first suckle is as important to refuel its very meagre energy reserves as to provide acquired immunity.

凌志美告诉家人说她受到了很人性化的对待,但她的伙食不够,而且有人监听她的电话。Laura Ling told her family she was treated humanely, but meals were meagre and her phone calls were monitored.

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关于奢侈品和舒适品,聪明人往往过着比贫困者更为简单和朴素的生活。With respect to luxuries and comforts, the wisest have ever lived a more simple and meagre life than the poor.

在整整一冬以贫瘠树皮枯叶果腹后,春暖花开带来了丰厚的美食。After a winter surviving on a meagre diet of bark and dead leaves, the spring greenery brings an appetising change.

1990年代初,双庙当地官员鼓励农民以卖血浆来增加他们微薄的收入。In the early 1990s, local officials encouraged peasants to supplement their meagre incomes by selling blood plasma.

零售业数据显示上个月的微薄增长是因为资金短缺的消费者无视夏季大减价依然消减开支。Retail sales showed meagre growth last month as cash-strapped consumers cut back spending despite summer sale discounts.

王春常用自己微薄的工资收入给患者和感染者们购买营养品和水果。Wang Chunzheng used their meagre wages to the patients and infected persons who purchase nutritional products and fruit.

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所有家具厂价直销,微薄利润,手工流畅,质量保证,无论是单件或多件,无任欢迎!All Furniture Direct Yanjie, a meagre profit, manual smooth, quality assurance, whether it is single or more, no welcome!

我亲眼看到极差的工作条件和职员的严重短缺,还有微薄和不稳定的工资。I saw for myself the poor conditions of work and the desperate staff shortages, compounded by meagre and uncertain salaries.

贾斯丁•布朗是一个本笃会修道院的一名院长,通过制作、出售简单的木质棺材来增加微薄的收入。Justin Brown is an abbot at a Benedictine abbey that supplements its meagre income by making and selling simple wooden coffins.