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即使是在淫秽这个问题上。Even in the case of question about obscenity.

规范淫秽材料的最佳办法是目标清晰。The best approach to regulating obscenity is a focused one.

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他的另一半生活好像与伤风败俗相距甚远。The other half of his life seemed infinitely remote from obscenity.

他最后因猥亵而被判刑后来被保释。He was eventually convicted on obscenity charges but was freed on bail.

有关“淫秽”的法律也可能被用作禁止其他材料的借口。Or the obscenity laws may be used as a pretext to censor other material.

淫秽物品就是任何能够惊吓某些又老又蠢的裁判官的东西。Obscenity is whatever happens to shock some elderly and ignorant magistrate.

低俗的淋漓尽致,是基督教用来复活人的宗教的策略。The dit-mension of obscenity is that by which Christianity revives the religion of men.

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参赛作品不得含有不雅、粗言秽语、暴力或淫秽内容。The entries should not contain any contents of indecency, foul language, violence or obscenity.

提倡健康娱乐。抵制封建迷信活动,拒绝黄、赌、毒。Promote the healthy entertainment styles. Repelling the superstition, gambling, drugs and obscenity.

由于禁止电视节目出现猥亵内容这一模糊规定的原因,如果他们检查同性恋者间的一个吻,那将会怎样?So what if they censor a gay kiss, on the grounds that a nebulous rule forbids any obscenity on television?

在成熟的民主国家,有关淫秽的法律对主流新闻机构来说一般不构成主要关注。In mature democracies, obscenity laws usually raise no significant concerns for mainstream news organizations.

扫黄对被认为不道德或淫秽的文学作品或其它表现或传播此内容的形式进行查禁。Censorship of literature and other forms of expression and communication because of perceived immorality or obscenity.

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这份67页的论文首段以典型的说理和写作模式开篇,多次出现那个猥亵词汇The opening paragraph of the 67-page essay is a model of reason and composition, repeatedly disrupted by that single obscenity

尽管屏蔽淫秽内容可能反映了人民的意志,但是如此的过滤方案影响到了言论自由。But while blocking obscenity may reflect the will of the people, such filters nonetheless have implications for freedom of expression.

在斋月,我们不仅仅戒除食物,饮料,香烟,房事,而且我们要戒除所有不道德的行为与猥亵。In Ramadan, we don't only abstain from food, drink, smoking, marital sex, but also we abstain form all kinds of immoral acts and obscenity.

可是,像上边提到的那些培训内容,到底是在“预防艾滋”呢,还是在“诲淫诲盗”?However, like those mentioned above training content, in the end is in the "prevention of HIV", or in the "Pirates of obscenity and violence"?

那么是华尔街没有注意到这支有魅力的超值股票?还是继续争论是否其下流和淫秽的印象吓跑了投资者?So is Wall Street overlooking an attractive media stock bargain? Or will the continued debate about indecency and obscenity scare away investors?

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相反,我决定追寻最高法院大法官波特斯图尔特的神圣传统——他用一句“当我看到它就会认出它”的话定义猥亵。I decided instead to follow the hallowed tradition set by Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart, who defined obscenity by saying, "I know it when I see it."

你知道最高法院最重要的,关于电影或文学或其它东西中淫秽的管理,有一个被整个,社会接受的标准。You know the mainly ruling about the supreme court about obscenity in movies or literature or anything has one of the criteria what is acceptable to a community.

在这本书首次连载时福楼拜曾被以淫秽罪起诉,但它却畅销至今,可以说成为了最有名的写实小说。Flaubert was prosecuted for obscenity when the book was first serialised, and it has been a bestseller ever since, becoming arguably the most famous realist novel.