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他冲我招招手。He rushed me recruit waved.

你如何征募一个部队?How do you recruit an army?

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哦,丹尼尔,招募新兵如何?Oh, how was the recruit Daniel?

征召新兵就是重新使军力成长的意思。To recruit is to re-grow the army.

他的工作是为陆军募兵。His job was to recruit for the army.

我的新兵生活极其刻板。My life as a recruit was regimented.

我们需要招募更多的程序师。We need to recruit more programmers.

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他招的队员也真的很好。and they recruit really good people.

多教他一招半式。Teach him more a recruit a half type.

是因为贪得太多了,太招人眼了?Because greed too much, too recruit eye?

我怎么招到优秀的产品经理?How do I recruit a great product manager?

如果你不能保护自己,那征募一个部队吧。If you can’t defend yourself, recruit an army.

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我们还需要招聘新的教师队伍。And we need to recruit an army of new teachers.

作为一名新战士,需要履行职责时必须服从。As a new recruit you must obey when duty calls.

有才能的老师非常难以招募和保留。Talented teachers are hard to recruit and keep.

使用硬币招募更多的修理工加快修理城堡。use coins to recruit more repairman to speed up.

这是一次全球介入的征选活动!This is a global intervention recruit found flow!

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对在座的同学来说,我们公司想招聘你们。For the students here, we are trying to recruit you.

尽管是个新人,我很反感被呼来唤去地。I dislike being roared at as though I were a recruit.

公立医院无法吸纳所有医科生。Public hospitals cannot recruit all medical students.