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不要等到有时间了,才能够去付出、服务。Don't wait to have tine to be able to serve.

所以我们能在一个长的时间以后仍然记得某事。That's why we still remember things after a long tine.

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花被圆筒形,先端四齿裂,花瓣状。Perianth cylinder form, 4 tine crack tip, petaline shape.

发生于大腿根部的癣则称为股癣。The tine a that happens at ham root ministry calls a tine a.

我看到一滴水的齿生物的宇宙。I saw a universe of tine living creatures in a drop of water.

用一台容积泵测量泥浆尖头。Slurry is metered to the tine by a positive displacement pump.

血腑逐瘀汤加珍珠母、龙齿。Hematic organs chases tine of Yu Tonga mother-of-pearl , dragon.

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一台草坪打孔机具有一系列打孔针组,这些打孔针组沿着由发动机驱动的轴间隔分布。A lawn aerator has a series of tine assemblies spaced along a driven shaft driven by a motor.

假如每次想起你我都会得到一朵鲜花,那么我将永远在花丛中徜伴。If I had a single flower for every tine I think about you , I could walk forever in my garden.

拉乌尔凝视着她。他的美丽的克丽斯廷疯了吗?克丽斯廷看着他的脸,急急地说。Raoul stared at her. Was his beautiful Christine mad? Chris tine saw his face, and said quickly.

弹簧碾尖部位组织与弹簧其它部位组织不同,存在淬火屈氏体组织。The structure of spring tine is not the same with that of any other parts and there is quenching.

梯纳还说,不能把人送往一个实行酷刑和死刑的国家。Tine says you cannot send someone to a country that practices torture and uses the death penalty.

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球齿轮是在其球冠面上分布着一道道环形齿的新型齿轮。Ball gear is distributinging to together on face of its ball coronal the new-style gear of annular tine.

于千万人之中,在无尽的时间里,你遇见了他们,没有早一步,也没有晚一步,刚巧赶上了。Though thousand of years, with the boudlessness of tine , you happen to meet them, earlier nor a bit too late.

杨基在第22分钟在左路断球后一记低射,迫使蒂妮。瑟德克维斯特做出扑救。Yankey forced the first save from Tine Cederkvist on 22 minutes after cutting in from the left and shooting low.

唐代的女裙工艺精美、色彩艳丽,形成了独特的“裙文化”。Skirts in the Tang Dynasty were tine in craftsmanship and bright in color and therefore formed a unique skirt culture.

本品可预防和治疗因缺锰造成的嫩叶脉间及叶尖褪绿、叶片发黄等症状。ECO-Mn may prevent and cure the symptom include delicate vein and leaf tine fade, foliage yellowing result in lack of Mn.

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每个打孔针组都含有多枚打孔针,这些打孔针围绕驱动轴以辐射形状排列充分地展开,可以为被打上孔的根系通气。Each tine assembly has a plurality of tines for aeration extending in a substantially radial pattern about the driven shaft.

针对这一问题,研制出水平摘穗辊与可退让拨禾器组合式摘穗机构。Aiming at this question, we developed the corn snapping unit constituted by horizontal snapping roll and rell tine with jumper.

竹取公主冰清玉洁,唇红齿白,貌美如花,很快就在当地传开,许多王卿贵族都慕名而来。Bamboo take princess pure beautiful flower, labial red tine is white, and soon in the locality, many WangQing noble of customers.