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康沃尔的男人稳稳地站着。Men of Cornwall stand ye steady.

九龙塘歌和老街7号和9号屋。House 7,9, Cornwall Street, Kowloon Tong.

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我的计划是从康沃尔到格拉斯哥。My plan was to go from Cornwall to Glasgow.

杰克最初杀死的是康沃尔山巨人。Jack first killed the giant of Mount Cornwall by using a trick.

真纳是康沃尔郡迎风的海岸边上的小渔村。The village of Zennor lies upon the windward coast of Cornwall.

康沃尔的瓷土沉淀带来了巨大的经济价值。The deposits of china clay in Cornwall are of great economic value.

马克王将特里斯坦带回康瓦耳郡,如待亲生子般养育他。King Marke takes him back to Cornwall and raises him as a natural son.

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伊索德和他的使女布莱格温与特利斯特拉姆同船前往康沃尔。Isoud and her maid Bragwaine returned with Tristram by ship to Cornwall.

康沃尔郡其他30所类似的学校也希望在校园里安装风力发电机。Thirty other schools in Cornwall are hoping to install their own turbines.

而在上图的非正式照片中,两人在圣詹姆斯宫康沃尔厅深情相拥。The informal image above shows the couple embracing in the Palace's Cornwall room.

而在上图的非正式照片中,两人则在圣詹姆斯宫康沃尔厅深情相拥。The informal image, above, shows the couple embracing in the Palace's Cornwall room.

查尔斯王子过着一种奢侈的生活,这些都由康沃尔公国进行资助。Prince Charles leads an expensive life and the Duchy of Cornwall is there to fund it.

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她和马克斯谈恋爱,结婚,并返回到曼德勒,他在康沃尔的大国遗产。She and Max fall in love, marry and return to Manderlay, his large country estate in Cornwall.

出于对马克王的忠诚,他护送伊索尔德回康瓦耳郡与马克王成亲。Due to his allegiance to King Marke, he escorted Isolde back to Cornwall to be betrothed to King Marke.

这只“巨无霸”是在距离康沃尔半岛西南面200海里处被渔民偶然发现的。He was accidentally caught by the fishing boat Brittania around 200 miles south west of Newlyn, Cornwall.

据悉,查尔斯的妻子卡米拉参观斯温顿的一所学校时开展了这项“英国食品周”竞赛。The Duchess of Cornwall launched the British Food Fortnight competition on a visit to a school in Swindon.

自嫁给王储查尔斯后,英国康沃尔夫人卡米拉便在着装品味上有所提升。Camilla, the Duchess of Cornwall , has flourished in the style stakes since she married the Prince of Wales.

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在整个康沃尔遭遇了洪水和强风,并引发了毁坏之后,100多个家庭已经撤离。More than 100 homes have been evacuated after floods and gale-force winds caused disruption across Cornwall.

Shelly的性别尚未确定,目前正在康沃尔南部的梅瓦吉西海洋生物水族馆里展出。Shelly, whose sex has not been determined, is now on display at Mevagissey Sealife Aquarium in south Cornwall.

两个月后他们就结婚了,卡米拉被授予威尔士王妃和康沃尔罗塞斯公爵夫人。They were married two months later, making Camilla the Princess of Wales and Duchess of Cornwall and Rothesay.