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怎么从赫尔辛基到拉普兰德?How to get to Lapland?

夏天,鹅群终于回到家乡——拉普兰德。Summer came. The geese finally arrived in Lapland.

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从拉普兰到亚速而岛,统一的货币已经成为了现实。From Lapland to the Azores , the single currency is a reality.

最后,别告诉鲁道夫,在拉普兰还可以尝到棒极了的炖驯鹿大餐呢。Finally, don't tell Rudolph, but a great reindeer stew can be had in Lapland as well.

越过山岗,听见山野的呼唤。你狂热的想要去拉普兰。Over the hills, hear the call of the wild. You have yearning to go there, Lapland , madness.

从一只鸽子嘴里听说凯坐着冰雪女王的马车飞到了拉普兰。And she heard from a pigeon that Kai had flown to Lapland in a carriage of the Queen of snow.

在拉普兰,圣诞老人正准备出发开始他一年一度的圣诞节礼物派送。Up in Lapland , Santa Claus is getting ready to leave, making his annual Christmas deliveries.

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八月份的时候拉普兰的气温可以高达华氏50度,那就足够暖和,可以带着妻子一起来了。In August it can hit 50 degrees in Lapland. Maybe that will be warm enough to bring along my wife.

但是,长期与格陵兰岛争夺这一荣誉的芬兰拉普兰地区并没有派代表出席会议。But Finnish Lapland , traditional rival of Greenland for the title, was not represented at the congress.

今年的教堂参照北欧拉普兰地区的建筑风格建造而成,采用了大量生态环境的意向,名为“北方教堂”。This year Church idea is from Lapland of North Europ, with many enviromental thoughts, named North Church.

一个罕为人知的事实是圣诞老人并非住在北极,而是住在芬兰的拉普兰一带。A little known fact is that Santa Claus does not live at the North Pole, but in the Lapland region of Finland.

在拉普兰,五月初雪才开始融化,温度也悄悄回到零度以上。Snow often thaws in Lapland as late as the beginning of May, so the temperatures also rarely raise above zero.

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拉普兰是撒密斯人的故乡,这些土著居民由于斯堪的纳维亚半岛的开发而被迫逐渐向北迁徙。Lapland is home to the Samis, a native people who were gradually driven northward by development in Scandinavia.

在起居室和桑拿室之间是一块地势较高的空间,有一扇大窗户,面向拉普兰森林砍伐的景观。Between sauna and Living room is a lofty space with big windows opening onto the fell landscape of forest Lapland.

莱科宁和他的副驾驶罗伊科夫特罗姆将推动有竞争力的C4为对北极拉普兰拉力赛于1月28日开始的第一次。Lindstrom will drive their C4 competitively for the first time on the Arctic Lapland Rally, which starts on 28 January.

一位在拉普兰大学的生态家说,一些鸟提前繁殖,因为冬天不再那麽的寒冷。An ecologist working at the University of Lapland says that some birds are breeding earlier since the winters are not so harsh.

在静谧的拉普兰的Paperivalo工作室是一处别具一格的工作室,是专门用来制作光源、骨灰盒和水印纸片的地方。The Paperivalo studio in the serenity of Lapland is where unique luminaires, cinerary urns and watermark paper cards take shape.

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夏天的拉普兰,太阳终日不落,游客可以体会到别处难得一见的“白夜”奇景。The unique experience of summer in Lapland is enhanced by experiencing the nightless night or midnight sun when the sun doesn't set at all.

但是在邻国芬兰,虽然只住着5000左右的萨米人,却有着一些专门提供拉普兰省特色食品的餐馆。But in neighbouring Finland, which has only about 5, 000 Sami, there are several restaurants which specialize in the unique food of Lapland.

这张照片记录下了在芬兰北部拉普兰德的Kaunispää山的北极圈的天空中将近午夜时分发生的以地球为中心的天文现象。This picture of the geocentric celestial event above the Arctic Circle was taken near midnight from northern Finland's Kaunispää Hill in Lapland.