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西绪弗斯在地狱醒来。Sisyphus woke up in the underworld.

哈德斯被流放到冥界。Hades is banished to the underworld.

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这个黑社会组织是当地的一股祸水。The underworld is a peril to the area.

那个安安静静的人是个黑社会老大哥。That quiet man was an underworld king-pin.

他活了过来并成为统治阴间的神。He rose, and ruled as god of the underworld.

他看起来是个鬼头鬼脑的下流社会的角色。He looked like a shifty underworld character.

她是都柏林犯罪圈子中的可疑人物。She was a shady figure in the Dublin underworld.

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像流放中的君王,被废黜到地狱。Like a king in exile, uncrowned in the underworld.

前兆感觉冥界所无所的光!Precursor of the underworld feel nothing of light!

就在此刻,赫耳墨斯到达地府。Just at that moment, Hermes arrived in the underworld.

哦——原来是大名鼎鼎的黑道公主啊,久仰大名了!Oh, it's rather an underworld princess oh, i have the name!

那是一群由黑社会的凶悍分子组成的暴民。It is a mob compacted of violent elements of the underworld.

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可能看久了,觉得洪金宝真是干黑社会的。May look for a long time, feel really dry up the underworld.

地下世界或西瓦尔巴是玛雅宗教的核心。The underworld or Xibalba was central to the Mayan religion.

黑社会老大往往绑架人质。The chief of the underworld in the block tends to kidnap hostages.

骑着冰霜之龙进入地底世界夺回冰之手里剑!Fly to the underworld on the Ice Dragon and reclaim the shurikens of ice!

第一层台阶的象征物是蛇,代表地域或死亡。The first step, symbolized by the snake, represents the underworld or death.

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阴间和灭亡,永不满足。人的眼目,也是如此。The underworld and abaddon are never full and the eyes of man have never enough.

韦莱斯是一个重大的斯拉夫水域神,但后来他成为了阴间的神。Veles was a major Slavic god of waters, but later he became a god of underworld.

他扮演一个黑社会唐,但用自己的肌肉力量,为良好的事业。He played the role of a underworld don, but used his muscle-power for good cause.