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前网罩的作用是保护驱动单元。The front grille serves to protect the drive units.

格栅网对裂缝有补强作用。In addition, the grille net has crack resisting reinforcing effect.

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这种和谐的标准集成雾灯和格栅。This integrates harmoniously the standard fog lights and the grille.

还有一个新的前格栅,以及颜色编码的侧通风口。There is also a new front grille , as well as color-coded side vents.

机器运转时一定要放好安全网罩。Ensure that the grille is in place while the machinery is in operation.

汽车使用红色制动卡钳,并获得一面镜子照在格栅。The cars use red brake calipers , and get a mirror shine at the grille.

球状网格话筒罩让手持话筒表现更佳。Handheld Microphones are usually distinguished by the ball-shaped grille.

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在图像显示至少有两个新的取水口位置略高于格栅。The image shows at least two new intakes positioned just above the grille.

产品涵盖铝材石英天花灯、嵌渗透式筒灯、格栅射灯等系列。Our products cover quartz ceiling lamp, embedded downlight, Grille lamp etc.

本发明涉及一种格栅换位方法和装置。The present invention relates to a grille interchanging method and apparatus.

将固定面板在风栅两侧头灯固定板的螺栓安装好。Install bolts to hold fascia to headlamp mounting panel at each side of grille.

它的散热栅格可以拿去和一种家庭报纸上不能提的东西作比较。The grille was compared to something that is unspeakable in a family newspaper.

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集成的3个阶段弹出保护格栅防止风声和呼吸噪音。An integrated 3-stage pop protection grille to guard against wind and breath noise.

有一个焚烧中的人,飘浮在冒烟尸体酒吧的铁栅上方。There is a burning man hovering in the air over a grille in the Smoldering Corpse Bar.

拆卸位于拆卸前门饰板上前门扬声器风栅上方的螺钉。Remove the screw located above the front door speaker grille on the front door trim panel.

今天很高兴能够与大家分享我们为了使响尾蛇烧烤店成功而做的计划。It is my pleasure to share with you some of our plans to make Diamondback Grille a success.

坚固的箱体、钢材纲面及手把增添其流动使用性。Mobile usage is enhanced by heavy-duty enclosure construction, steel grille and integral handles.

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它戴着一个新的两列网式的黑色塑料格栅和环绕设定了经修订的前保险杠。It wears a new two-bar mesh-style black plastic grille and surround set over a revised front bumper.

史坦纳先生说他只能从铁栏杆中间将契约传给她们,请她们签名并且传回来。Mr. Stainer said he had to pass the contract through the grille for them to sign and then pass back.

一个最突出的变化,我们可以看到的是清晰可见的新格栅通过的伪装。One of the most prominent changes we can see is the new grille clearly visible through the camouflage.