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但是这和赎罪有什么关系?But why the redemption?

这是恩典和全备的救赎的声音。The voice of grace and full redemption.

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推广赌场活动及积分换領项目。Promote casino event and redemption items.

可以用里程换购的舱位已满。Mileage redemption of the class can be full.

你已经有资格以以下方式请求赎款。You qualify for the following redemption offers.

和他,我们的希望,在救赎机会到来的时候。And with it, we hope, comes a chance at redemption.

缣谁是谁的劫,谁又是谁的救赎。Who's who of the hook, and who is who of redemption.

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亡羊补牢的赎罪也是值得称赞的,虽然有时它来得晚了些,采取的措施也小了点。Redemption sometimes comes late and in small measures.

我还能这样做。或者,我便施爱与救赎。I could do this again. Or I can do love and redemption.

图片视频伍兹伊普尔赎回宋。One-Picture Video of Woods of Ypres' "Song of Redemption".

某些项目的违约可能导致大面积赎回。Defaults of some projects could lead to widespread redemption.

所有的纠缠和羁绊、是毁灭还是救赎。All the entanglement and the fetter, is destroyed or redemption.

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最终让我在那不被允许的爱情里万劫不复。Finally let me in on that love is not allowed beyond redemption.

换领时须出示有效旅游证件。Please present valid passport or travel document upon redemption.

事实也是如此,没法完成自我救赎,就是失去一切。In fact, tournaments would be lost without the redemption schtick.

愿意天涯天涯随你往。无论是救赎还是沦陷堕落。As you go to cape there. Whether redemption or subjugate depravity.

所以蔡琰在这一年,被赎归汉很可能在一年。So Cai Yan in this year, I was probably in a year redemption Guihan.

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有关礼品换领详情将于二月底以电邮通知得奖者。Gift redemption arrangement will be announced in end-February by email.

在亨廷顿的世界里,既不存在虚假的期望也没有补救的措施。In the Huntingtonian world, there are no false hopes and no redemption.

创造和救赎之中都具有三一神的特性和工作。Both creation and redemption are Trinitarian in character and operation.