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这是个相当可怕的过程。It is a horrific, ghastly process.

那女病人面色苍白。The sick woman's face was ghastly.

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糖果发出一声恐怖的神经质的笑声。Sweets tittered. It was a ghastly sound.

他一上路我就看见他了。The ghastly sight gave him the shudders.

当死亡,以可怕而恐怖的裸体When death, in hideous and ghastly starkness

它的边缘,有一道带着蓝色的苍白的光,非常阴暗。A ghastly bluish light smoldered along its edge.

面孔像死鬼一般苍白,忍痛痉挛着。His face was ghastly white twitching with suppressed pain.

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每当情绪反复无常时,贾巴就将这些珍贵财产推向可怕的末日。When fickle, Jabba would send his prize possessions to a ghastly end.

整个古槐村笼罩着一股阴森恐怖的气息。Village of whole Gu Huai is enveloping breath of a ghastly bloodcurdling.

已经逝世和安葬的夫人的肖像被镶嵌在用可怕的绷带包扎起来的画框中,看起来阴森可怖。The dead and buried lady was awful in a picture-frame of ghastly bandages.

在许多方面,这份工作糟糕至极,但作为训练还是蛮有意思的。It was a ghastly job in many ways but interesting training, " says Winder."

睡醒的韩珊第一眼看到挂在床头照片,惨然一笑。Wake up HanShan first saw hanging in the head of a bed photos, ghastly a smile.

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她四周是一道恐怖的野景,四处不见舒适的家园。There was wild and ghastly scenery all around her, and a home and comfort nowhere.

怯场症象魔鬼一样抓住了他,他的腿开始发抖,喘不过气来。A ghastly stage-fright seized him, his legs quaked under him and he was like to choke.

这些奴隶被拷上手铐丢到狭小的可怕货仓中,很多人在航海过程中都丢了性命。Manacled and cramped into ghastly holds, many of the captives did not survive the voyage.

谈判开启数天前,约旦河西岸发生了两起枪击事件,也没什么“新意”。Nothing new, either, in two ghastly shootings on the West Bank in the days before the talks.

1临近中午时分,那个可怕的消息使全村人一下子惊呆了。CLOSE upon the hour of noon the whole village was suddenly electrified with the ghastly news.

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是的!还有两个被送进了那扇可怕的传送门!我永远忘不了他们的惨叫声!Yes! And two more of them were sent through that ghastly portal! I will never forget their screams!

我带著讽刺而愤怒的笑容抹去一切伪君子的可怕学说!I blast out the ghastly contents of philosophically whited sepulchers and laugh with sardonic wrath!

这种面目狰狞的小鱼是数目最庞大的淡水鱼家族的成员,不过其獠牙迄今无其它物种可出其右。The ghastly minnow is part of the largest family of freshwater fish—but so far its fangs are unique.