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还听到零星枪声。Gunfire could still be heard sporadically.

变异似是偶发和自发的。The mutations appear to occur sporadically and spontaneously.

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营地在周围时不时的雪崩声中陷入了沉寂。The encampment got into quiet in the sounds of snowslide sporadically.

此后,泰国和柬埔寨不时为这座寺庙发生争执。Since then, Thailand and Cambodia have fought sporadically over the site.

他们会认真阅读乔布斯偶尔亲自回复的电子邮件。They pore over emails that Mr. Jobs sporadically responded to personally.

迪斯科球漫不经心地旋转着,屋子偶尔被红红绿绿的光线所浸润。A half-hearted disco ball sporadically bathes the room in red and green light.

为了画出来的斑点就像真的雀斑一样,她会在脸上轻轻地点出零零星星的斑点。She gently dots it on to the face sporadically to mimic the pattern of real freckles.

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多年来,斯派德承认自己更愿意宅在家里和家人一起,只是偶尔工作。For years, Spader professed a desire to stay home with his family and work only sporadically.

一种偶尔出现,以后尝试读数据时可不出现的出错。An error that occurs sporadically and that may not appear on successive attempts to read data.

甲型肝炎属偶发疾病,在世界各地流行,有循环复发的趋势。Hepatitis A occurs sporadically and in epidemics worldwide, with a tendency for cyclic recurrences.

燕山期强过铝质侵入岩零星出露于冀晋辽地区。Yanshanian strongly peraluminous intrusive rocks occur sporadically in the Hebei-Shanxi-Liaoning area.

相反,毛色灰暗的鸟的种群食物限制在无花果上,相对而言是零星存在的。In contrast, the drabber birds have a limited diet of simple figs , which are available more sporadically.

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这种奶酪尽管只是偶尔被迫禁止,但撒丁岛人仍广泛而非公开的食用。This cheese is widely, but not openly, eaten in Sardinia, even though the ban on it is only enforced sporadically.

这个生物在这段时间之后的报道和出现的频率就很少了,最近的一次是在2007年。The creature was sporadically reported to be seen before and after those dates, with some sightings as recent as 2007.

在之后的20天里,巴尔斯路德就在固定在积雪中的睡袋里度过,格伦沃尔德和其他人不时的来给他点给养。Baalsrud spent the next 20 days in a sleeping bag immobilized in the snow, sporadically supplied by Gronvold and others.

骚乱于上周六晚间爆发,起因是警方枪杀一名当地居民,周日有零星骚乱持续。The riots exploded late Saturday in reaction to the police shooting of a local man, and continued sporadically on Sunday.

自那以后,类似的奴役事件在中国仍零星地被报道,这也表明此类问题并未消除。Since then, similar cases of slavery have been reported sporadically around China, suggesting the problem has not been eliminated.

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大多数地方的真正含义是我们要选出人管理我们,偶尔更新或撤销他们的契约。What was really meant in most places was that we would elect people to govern us and sporadically renew or revoke their contracts.

过去许多年间,他偶尔提及过女人的“权利”——以及她们在社交中的固定角色。He has spoken sporadically about women's "rights" over the years -- and also, confusingly, about their prescribed place in society.

头颈部副神经节瘤是一罕见偶发的疾病,盛行率约占所有头颈部肿瘤的三万分之一。Paragangliomas of head and neck are rare tumors that occur sporadically with the prevalence of about1 in30,000 of head and neck tumors.