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我食物中毒了。I have food poisoning.

什么是缓存中毒?What is cache poisoning?

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鸳鸯吃了毒药中毒而死。Yuanyang eat poison poisoning.

是的,我食物中毒过。Yes, I have had food poisoning.

发生煤气中毒怎么办?Unit 3 How to Deal with Gas Poisoning?

蜂胶或有助于防范食物中毒。Propolis may help treat food poisoning.

铅中毒会引起视觉失认吗?。Can lead poisoning cause visual agnosia?

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我家有人煤气中毒了。My family members get gas poisoning now.

浙江一锡箔作坊600人铅中毒。Lead poisoning sickens 600 in East China.

麻醉性镇痛药和酒中毒。Narcotic analgesics and alcohol poisoning.

目前尚无百草枯中毒的有效解毒剂。Paraquat poisoning is no effective antidote.

中毒场所以工厂食堂为主。Poisoning places to factory canteens oriented.

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食物中毒是一个须呈报的疾病,在英国。Food poisoning is a notifiable disease in the UK.

方法采用毒饵法和器械法灭鼠。Methods Poisoning bait and instruments were used.

DEG中毒是很严重的公共安全问题。DEG poisoning is an important public safety issue.

车子排出来的废气污染了城市的空气。Gases from cars are poisoning the air of our cities.

在伦敦的供水中投毒是一个“软弱的想法”。Poisoning London's water supplies was a "weak idea".

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最近,他正担忧着一桩铅中毒案件。Recently, he worried about a case of lead poisoning.

我觉得你这样是在毒害你的身体,I feel like you are just kind of poisoning your body,

防治的方法包括毒杀和熏蒸。Methods of control involved poisoning and fumigation.