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山姆小萝,妳在锦标赛中的表现很不错。Sam Nice work at the tourney , Roxy.

经过对产品和价格比较饰审查。Compare prices on roxy products and read reviews.

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诺克斯的标志用两个Quiksilver的标志组合成一个心型。The Roxy logo is made of two Quiksilver logos that form a heart.

由于珀西妻子的死亡,罗西要同时照顾两个男婴。After the death of Percy's wife, Roxy has to look after both baby boys.

别怕加入社团,小萝。那些人都将会是妳的老师。Sam Don't be afraid to join the club, Roxy . Those guys will be your teachers.

ROXY的字样可见于灰色上衣的前部和两种上衣颈部的标签上,衣服的型号印在近腰部的标签。ROXY is printed on the front of the gray hoodie and on the neck label on both colors.

这一天,我要用来匆忙地扫视这个世界,它的过去和现在。This day I should devote to a hasty glimpse of the world, UGG Roxy Short chestnut, past and present.

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该灵活的罗克西奥利流行滑雪是引扔了一些令人印象深刻的会议在公园和管道。The nimble Roxy Ollie Pop snowboard is primed to throw down some impressive sessions in the park and pipe.

全山罗克西剪影滑雪将你把你元首质朴线雕整天。The all-mountain Roxy Silhouette snowboard will have you turning heads as you carve pristine lines all day long.

李博士是成功的企业家,也是备受尊崇的慈善家。Dr Li, a successful entrepreneur and highly respected philanthropist, is Chairman of Roxy Property Investment Co.

本次科技届的主要组织者之一,A1.3班的熊诗琦同学说说“第一次科技节的成功举办对我们来说是一个很大的挑战,但最终我们也顺利完成了!Thee chief organiser, Roxy Xiong of A1-3 said, "It was really a tough challenge to match the success of last time. But we pulled it off! ""

罗丝亨特搬到郊外一间古怪屋,九岁活泼好动的她,误打误撞进入一个充满神秘和未知的奇怪国度。After moving to a spooky, old house in the country, the irrepressible Roxy Hunter stumbles into a weird world of unsolved mysteries and the unknown.

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罗西不堪忍受奴役,逃回圣路易斯找到汤姆,要求他向法官坦白事情经过,并要一笔钱再赎回她的自由。Roxy escapes from slavery and returns to Tom in St Louis, demanding that he confess the affair to the Judge and ask for the money to buy he or out of slavery again.