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一个低贱的平民进入元老院?。A lowly pleb in the Senate?

夏天咬着唇,低下了头。Bites lips in summer, lowly head.

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主,我愿像祢,谦逊俯就人。Oh! to be like Thee, lowly in spirit.

但正是草根的僵尸们开始行动了。But the lowly zombie is making its move.

她不过是一个卑微的宫女。She is no more than a lowly maid of honor.

这位绅士谦恭地给女士鞠了一躬。The gentleman bowed lowly before the lady.

如果你肯屈尊读读我这卑微的诗行If e'er you deign these lowly lines your eyes

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那时候,我只是一个低收入的化验员。At that time, I was just a lowly paid analyst.

中国人难道都是贱骨头吗?Do all Chinese people lowly bones when they were born?

造成了效率低下和容易出错的现象。Make efficiency lowly and permit the mistakable phenomenon.

卑鄙无耻之徒制定的法律管制者卡扎菲和他的儿子们。The laws of the lowly gangster govern Qaddafi and his sons.

孔子出世时,他的家族已经破落贫贱了。When Kong Zi is born, his family already declined is lowly.

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一大片低平的海岸展现在他们眼前。A broad stretch of lowly coast lay before the eyes of the men.

带着我们称道的美丽和善良,低卧土床板。Are lying in their lowly beds, with the fair and good of ours.

有哪一位国王会“谦谦和和地骑著驴”?What king would ever become " lowly , and riding upon an ass"?

经过半个世纪的忽视,单曲低调的的回潮。After a half century of neglect, the lowly single is back on top.

在欧洲足联最不好的球队中,它仅是欧锦赛的16强。In UEFA's least best leagues in Europe, it comes a lowly sixteen.

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我来到低教会派教会的门厅和高耸的大教堂为的是什么?I come to lowly church halls and lofty cathedrals for what purpose?

天鹅在神圣伊甸园低鸣,在梦幻岛重生。Swans lowly yell through holy Eden, reborn in never-land. Slytherin.

以净营收计,房利美今年的排名可能低至第94。Using net revenue, Fannie would have ranked a lowly No. 94 this year.