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相比之下燃料作物可以其貌不扬或发育矮小。Crops for fuel, in contrast, can be ugly or stunted.

战争使世界的科学发展受到了抑制。Wars stunted the development of science in the world.

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作物发育不良的后果之一是饲草的短缺。One of the consequences of stunted crops is a shortage of straw.

儿童期间受到的虐待对他人格的形成构成了障碍。His personality was stunted by the brutal treatment in his childhood.

波滋南这儿的争论看来哽上了,过程看来要拉长。Here in Poznan , debate seems to be stunted and the process drawn out.

抑或有可能是因为在我心里我仍是个心智未成熟的17岁少年。Or maybe it's because at heart I'm an emotionally stunted 17-year-old.

他的铁锹铲下去,干硬的土地上只留下浅浅的痕迹。His spade hits the earth marking only a stunted notch in the desiccated soil.

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我们的水牛喝了那种水变呆了,庄稼也枯萎了。Our water buffaloes grew stunted from drinking the water and our crops turned grey.

与俄罗斯同龄儿童相比,哈萨克的儿童发育不良。“Kazakh children were stunted compared to the same-age Russian children, ” he said.

受感染的玉米叶子起皱、根本没有玉米穗轴,而且通常生长迟滞。Infected maize crops have wrinkled leaves, no cobs at all and generally stunted growth.

有人格障碍的病人的性行为不可避免地会不成功并会受到阻碍。Inevitably, the sexuality of patients with personality disorders is thwarted and stunted.

女性迪洛矮人最令人不安的特征是畸形的指甲和发育不良的手。The most disturbing trait of the derro female is her misshapen fingernails and stunted hands.

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在敬畏之心缺失的地方,“以太体”的生长必是受到阻碍的。Where reverence is lacking, the living forces of the etheric body are stunted in their growth.

这不合时宜的揭露不仅阻碍了他对自由的努力,也阻碍了他的信仰。The ill-timed revelation not only stalled his own bid for freedom, but also stunted his identity.

边门两旁,是两株瘦小的苹果树那多节的桠枝。Two stunted apple trees raised their gnarled and knotty branches on either side of the wicket gate.

这和睡觉多的婴儿长得胖、长得快,而爱闹觉的孩子发育不良是一样的道理。This is the baby sleep longer and more fat, grow fast, but Ainao felt stunted children is the same reason.

婴幼儿碘缺乏会导致智力迟钝,发育迟缓和智力下降。Iodine deficiency in infants can result in mental retardation, stunted growth, and diminished intelligence.

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针对这个国家目前的政治泥淖似乎已无计可施,部分是因为关于“该怎么办”的讨论被极力禁止。The country’s present political quagmire seems impassable partly because debate over what to do is so stunted.

当他醒来时他发育不全的腿硬的像块铁。伊利里欧正在吃橄榄。“我们到哪儿了?提利昂问他。When he woke his stunted legs were stiff as iron. Illyrio was eating olives. "Where are we?" Tyrion asked him.

为了检验应对能力,他们期待在关于儿童因营养不良发育迟缓发生率的国家数据。To examine coping capacity, they looked at national data on the prevalence of children stunted by malnutrition.