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为火箭喝彩。20连胜。Bravo rox. 20 is phenomenal.

阿尔法打破左布拉沃我吧!Alpha break left Bravo on me!

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她以前是美国海军陆战队冲锋连的。Who was with bravo company usmc.

中国万岁。为中国喝彩!Long live china , Bravo China ! ! ! !

“干得好啊,炮兵们!”博须埃喊道。"Bravo for the cannoneers! " cried Bossuet.

每一条毒龙都产生出一个屠龙的圣乔治来。Each one has produced a Duron Bravo to the St. George's.

日本好棒。和平主义只会导致另外那个家伙把你的东西抢走。Bravo Japan. Pacifism only leads to the other guy taking your stuff.

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在布拉沃是另一个由里皮甘迪尼设计贝尔托,造型研究。The Bravo was another styling study by Bertone, designed by Marcello Gandini.

事发一个星期后,美国一小分队士兵伤的伤,死的死。By then, a week into the thing, a quarter of Bravo Company was wounded or dead.

三浦后,马尔泽勒和康塔什的布拉沃是一个可行的生产GT汽车。After the Miura, Marzel and Countach, the Bravo was a feasible production GT car.

值得一提的是,我毫不费力就找到了埃内斯托·布拉沃先生。Remarkably, I had no trouble finding Senor ernesto Bravo. I simply asked people where be lived.

爱尔兰科克大学的这项实验由哈维尔·布拉沃领导,方法和简单。The experiment, led by Javier Bravo at University College Cork in Ireland, was straightforward.

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很久以前,我就意识到我自己名声的力量,我在布拉旺的工作给了我发言权。A long time ago, I realized the power of my fame, and that my work on Bravo has given me a voice.

干得好!那些不顾自身危险去拯救那些狗狗的勇敢的人们好样的!Bravo and much love to the brave men and women who put themselves in harm's way to save these doggies.

布拉沃直升机,它成功地履行其使命的第一部分比赛到一个新的工作!Bravo helicopter, which successfully carry out its mission in the first part of the game to a new job!

在最初的脚本里,B连的特种兵完全摧毁了一个村庄,村民还在村子里。In the original script, the G.I.'s of Bravo Company completely destroy a village with the civilians inside.

很久以前,有位水手叫布拉沃船长。他是个真正的男人,面对敌人毫无惧色。Long ago, there lived a sailor named Captain Bravo. He was a real man, who showed no fear when facing his enemies.

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锦绣笑着将自己的主意说了,锦茹等人立刻拍桌子叫好。The rich brocade smiled to say own idea, the brocade Ru waited a person to immediately buffet chart to shout bravo.

我初次抵达博斯科-德-佩德雷加尔居民点时,动身去寻找埃内斯托·布拉沃先生。When 1 arrived for the first time to the colonia Bosques del Pedregal, I set about searching for Senor Ernesto Bravo.

在布拉沃目的是使在质量,舒适性,实用性和内政部多功能方面的差异。The Bravo aims to make the difference in terms of quality , comfort, practicality and the versatility of the interior.