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历史如同过去的经验的再现。History as reenactment of past experience.

旧时重现的现场,高棉妇女在做饭。In a reenactment scene, Khmer women cooking.

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旧时重现的现场,人们在挖掘隧道。In a reenactment scene, workers digging inside a canal.

旧时重现的现场,高棉人用石头打磨建筑。In a reenactment scene, Khmer men working with stone grinding construction.

王彤的重新拍摄历史,需要体验现场。The visual nature of Wang Tong's reenactment requires experience of the scene.

从本质上来说,每一个创造性的行为,不多不少,正是对创世行为的重新激活。In essence, every creative act is no more or less than the reenactment of the Creation.

这个非同平常的事件,只不过是最终导致革命的千万个自发行动之一。The scene is a dramatic reenactment of one among thousands of spontaneous that led up to the revolution.

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情景重现,古老的吴哥窟市集,每天都开张,只有女人来光顾。In a reenactment scene, the markets of ancient Angkor's opened everyday and were being visited exclusively by women.

后来发现,公众后来看到的拘捕行动其实是警方为媒体进行的再次演出。It later emerged that the arrest seen by the public was in fact a reenactment stage by the police for the news media.

那么,王彤如此兴师动众地以自己的扮演与表演再现历史场面的企图何在?So, what is Wang Tong attempting, stirring people up through this provocative performance, through the reenactment of historical scenes?

朗诵部分取材于马太福音26和27章,由传道人马太叙述,经文中的主要人物分角色朗诵。The recitative is the reenactment of Matthew's Gospel 26-27, played by the main characters in the Bible and narrated by the evangelist Matthew.

我要建立一个灵魂称量的场景。给我找到四位神的小雕像,并把它们放在我的棺材上的正确位置!I need to build a reenactment of that whole soul weighing business. Find me the statuettes of the four Gods and place them correctly on my casket!

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通过他的重新拍摄历史,通过他的步入历史重归现场,他的脚步触动的是我们的记忆,激活的是我们的现实思考。Through his photographic reenactment of history, though his return to the historical stage, his footsteps touch on our memories, stimulating our consideration of reality.

科学都无法解释,不过很可能身体想休息的时候,大脑却在神经质地不断重演“他说,她说”的分手情节。Science really doesn’t understand why it happens, but it’s likely due to racing thoughts, the ‘he-said, she-said’ reenactment of the break up plays out mentally while at rest.

沃顿现在的体系根基正是他在联盟先驱者——金州勇士任助理教练时思考的产物,直到现在这种体系依然彰显着联盟比赛的发展方向。Walton's system is basically reenactment of what worked when he was an assistant coa ach for the forward-thinking Golden State Warriors 31, representing the game's direction today.

本协议对一个规则,规章或其它法规的任何参考,将包括其已生效有关修改的法律参考。Any reference in this Agreement to an act, regulation or other legislation shall include a reference to any statutory modification or reenactment thereof for the time being in force.