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一致几乎总是阻隔个人的创造力和活力。Conformity almost always leads to deadening of individual creativity and energy.

一致几乎总是阻隔个人的创造力和活力。Conformity almost always leads to a deadening of individual creativity and energy.

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一致性几乎总是压抑个性化创造和活力。Conformity almost always leads to a deadening of individual creativity and energy.

练习用沉默来代替没有感觉的填充词,像“嗯,”“这样”和“像”。Practice replacing deadening filler words like "um," "so" and "like" with silence.

另外,墙壁、吊顶可选用隔音材料,如矿棉吸音板等。Additional, wall, condole can choose deadening very, if mineral wool is sound-absorbing board wait.

暗能量的斥力会抵消星系间的引力,从而减弱了星系的运动。Its gravitational repulsion would offset galaxies ' gravitational attraction, thereby deadening their motion.

冲突和挣扎比看到一个女人的脸,甚至也许比性本身要致命得多。Conflict and struggle are far more deadening than the seeing of a woman's face, or even perhaps than sex itself.

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正如花圃里被割掉的花再也不能复原了,我们就不要再去打破一个小孩子稚嫩纯净的心灵,使他们原来充满活力的感觉变得迟钝,乃至麻木。We must remember not to add to the destruction by breaking a child's spirit and deadening his sense of liveliness.

建筑室内的噪音也可以得到减少,前提是外墙和内墙都要运用这种隔音材料。Noise inside a building can be reduced if both the external and internal walls are made of sound deadening materials.

你不需要抛弃记忆或者学到的知识,只是让生活暂停,隔音材料的重量留在过去。You don't have to let go of the memories or the lessons learned, just the life-stopping, deadening weight of the past.

他将美国充满活力的宗教自由和欧洲那些国家支持的死气沉沉的宗教进行了比较。He contrasted America's tradition of lively religious liberty with the deadening effect of state sponsorship in Europe.

但我担心,很多此类潜在的企业家精神,会因为政府的压制而白白流失。But I worry that so much of this potential spirit of enterprise is squandered, thanks to the deadening hand of the state.

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你将永远不会丧失孩子般的好学的天性,不过你可能会觉得传统的教学方法非常枯燥甚至会僵化你的思维。You will never lose your child-like love of learning, but you may find traditional teaching methods very boring and even mentally deadening.

新的旗舰是一个消音垫的新形式,改善了性能和降低噪音比传统材料更轻的。New to the flagship is a new form of sound deadening mat that has improved noise reducing properties and is lighter than conventional materials.

他知道成为被剥夺继承权的人之一,被震耳欲聋的机器轰鸣所困,为了少的可怜的回报付出艰辛劳动意味着什么。He knew what it mean to be one of the disinherited, to be chained to the deadening routine of the machine and to soul-destroying labor for an insufficient reward.

为了刺激经济增长,政客们将目光投向了日行,或是投向了阻碍日本经济发展的那些冷冰冰的法规和贸易保护主义,而非他们自身。To spur growth, the politicians look to the Bank of Japan rather than in the mirror, or at the deadening regulations and protectionism that hold back the economy.

刀架优化设计,料斗采用双层设计,内填隔音材料,设备具有很好的安全性和环保性。Turret adopts optimal design, using double design hopper which is filled in deadening materials, the equipment has very good safety and is environmental friendly.

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那个轻若一小包糖,但以致命的速度楔入他的头盔的弹簧,将马萨击倒在他飞速行驶的法拉里车的方向盘上。Weighing the same as a small bag of sugar, but careering into his helmet with deadening force, the spring knocked Massa cold at the wheel of his speeding Ferrari.

他知道这意味着为了一项少得可怜的奖励就要成为其中一个被剥夺继承权的人,就要被机械式的乏味生活和啃噬灵魂的烦闷劳活所束缚。He knew what it meant to be one of the disinherited, to be chained to the deadening routine of the machine and to soul-destroying labor for an insufficient reward.

为什么大部分人不能胳肢自己,是因为它在我们意料之内,没有打闹的侵略性,通常这种引自己笑的念头都会嘎然而止。The general story of why we can't in general is because there's no surprise, there's no mock aggression, and also there may be a general deadening of self-stimulation.