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不过,罗斯同时也是球队的第一得分手。But Rose is also the primary scorer.

他夸他是最高的得分手。He bragged that he was the highest scorer.

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范尼会不会成为本届欧洲杯的最佳射手?Can Van Nistelrooy finish as the Euro's top scorer?

他现在以三个进球领先该杯赛射手榜。He is joint tournament top scorer with three goals.

阿里纳斯是一个非常好的得分手,他会向篮圈发起轰炸。Gilbert is a great scorer and he´ll attack the basket.

你知道吗?法布雷加斯是阿森纳历史上最年轻的进球球员。Did you know?Cesc is the youngest-ever Arsenal goal scorer.

他是球队的第二号得分手,场均拿到16.7分。He's the team's second-leading scorer at 16.7 points a game.

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哈萨克斯坦的某某得了比赛的最高的26分。Rustam Yargaliyev was Kazakhstan's top scorer with 26 points.

德尔皮耶罗目前同样以20球独领射手榜风骚。Del Piero is also the current Serie B top scorer with 20 goals.

我爱麦迪,纯粹的得分手,看他打球真是赏心悦目。God I love T-Mac. Just a pure scorer and just fun guy to watch.

巴西籍球星以10粒入球成为联赛最佳射手。The Brazilian was the top scorer of the competition with 10 goals.

他和安迪貒·科尔共同分享了本赛季最佳得分手的荣誉称号。He shared the honour of being the season's top scorer with Andy Cole.

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鲁尼——如果没有这个34球的射手,曼联将会怎样?Wayne Rooney – Where would United be without their 34-goal top scorer?

他们的头号得分手不在,现在要面对第二个加时。They were forced to face another overtime without their leading scorer.

阿迪达斯金靴奖是授予世界杯最佳射手的一个奖项。The adidas Golden Shoe is awarded to the top scorer at the FIFA World Cup.

这记进球是泽穗希在本届世界杯的第五粒进球,使她成为整个赛事中的最佳球员。The goal was Sawa's fifth in the tournament, making her overall top scorer.

本次世锦赛,姚明以场均得分25.3分成为最高得分手。Yao averaged 25.3 points per game and won the top scorer of the tournament.

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我也是一名记分员,但是我认为做好通行证是真的很伟大。I was a got scorer too, but I thought that making good passes is really great.

同时是一个定点射手和低位背筐得分手。Also functions as a spot up shooter and a back to the basket scorer in the post.

自动分压机是瓦楞纸板生产线上的关键设备。Automatic slitter scorer is the key equipment of corrugated board production line.