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发言时采取有理有据的沟通方式Communicate persuasively when speaking

他说得头头是道,但我觉得有些可疑,于是拒绝了他的建议。He spoke a very persuasively but I smelled a rat and refused his offer.

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要确保你的邮件内容有说服力、能起到作用。Make sure the content of your email is written persuasively and impact fully.

而在第二阶段,作出软硬兼施的提议更为重要。In phase two, actual, clear-cut and persuasively packaged proposals will be more important.

当有一位职场女性先驱有理有据地争取更高薪酬时,她为其他女性获取同样权益开辟了道路。When a woman negotiates persuasively for higher compensation, she clears the path for other women to follow.

保罗进会堂、放胆讲道、一连三个月、辩论神国的事、劝化众人。Paul entered the synagogue and spoke boldly there for three months, arguing persuasively about the kingdom of God.

在非常近一份颇有趣的报告中,印克很有说服力地辩称,投资者实际上不应该过于看重近期的经济走势。Inker persuasively argues that the next moves in the economy shouldn't actually matter too much to investors at all.

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这些将有助于增强卫生部说服财政部和商务部的能力。These should help equip ministries of health to negotiate more persuasively with ministries of finance and commerce.

表达“异于常态”的意义、处于不相邻层次,这两个因素对于分析“没”、“了”同现句可以有较强的解释力。The sentences with both "Mei" and "Le" can be persuasively explained by using their "abnormal voice" and different levels of adjacency.

当我问我的高科技解决我该如何定位它碰到说服力,使顾客要买?。Q. When I'm presenting my high tech solution, how do I position it to come across persuasively so that the customer wants to purchase it?

恰恰是在美国这个所谓“民主之母”的国家中,没有令人信服地实现民主的基本规则。Is exactly in American this so-called "mother of the democracy" in the country, persuasively has not realized the democracy fundamental rule.

坦率地说,若奥巴马无法向巴勒斯坦人开创一条迈向和平的新路劲,我们就看不到奥巴马就阿拉伯世界的变天作出令人信服的论述。Frankly, we do not see how Mr. Obama can talk persuasively about transformation in the Arab world without showing Palestinians a peaceful way forward.

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在所有这些地区内,有在洛克有说服力辩论当时,在戏剧内的主要纪律是有机化学的1860左右的一锋利拐点。In all these areas there was a sharp inflection point around 1860 when, as Rocke persuasively argues, the primary discipline in the drama was organic chemistry.

他颇具说服力的指出,通过摧残效率的关税壁垒的方法来保护本国产业远逊于直接帮助那些为混乱的变革所困扰的工人。He argues, persuasively , that it is far better to help workers affected by disruptive change than it is to shield industries with efficiency-destroying tariffs.

年,他在一篇文章中有力地说明企业首席行政官的薪酬之高已近失控,并强烈建议各公司的董事会将其首席执行官的报酬控制在普通员工的二十倍以内。In a 1984 essay he persuasively argued that CEO pay had rocketed out of control and implored boards to hold CEO compensation to no more than 20 times what the rank and file made.

同时,对于推案企划技巧有较深理解的同学,将有更清楚的概念以商品行销特色卖点为考量,以更有说服力的方式来翻译及叙述商品内容吸引顾客。Meanwhile, the better understanding in promoting skills makes students have a clearer sense to consider the marketing features and describe the products persuasively to the customers.

然后,他会与你分享这一珍贵的饮食宝典,耐心向你传授知识,从而使你开始相信,如果你不像史蒂夫韦恩那样吃饭,你就可能提前去见上帝。Then he shares this invaluable dietary intelligence, imparting his knowledge so persuasively you begin to believe if you don’t eat as Steve Wynn eats, you might well die before your time.

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当Rand几乎首创性地成为第一个倡导个人主义思潮,当然,还有利己主义思潮的哲人时,没有人认为她能如愿以偿,抑或在愿望上也是不可行、且缺乏说服力的。While Rand was hardly the first philosopher to advocate an ethos of individualism, reason, and self-interest, no one formulated it as accessibly or persuasively as she did--or as passionately.