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开始下一次迭代。Start the next iteration.

也就是迭代,或者循环。Which is iteration. Or loops.

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迭代是第二级的时间单元,长度一般为1到4周。An iteration is the second level timebox.

每次迭代从制定一些规划开始。Each iteration begins with some planning.

在每次循环迭代中增加一个计数。Increments a count in each loop iteration.

迭代网得到了多少点击量?How many hits was the Iteration site getting?

如果是的话则跳过到循环的下个迭代。If so, skip to the next iteration of the loop.

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这是实际的定点迭代循环。This is the actual fixed-point iteration loop.

当一个任务修改了迭代计划工件When a task modifies to Iteration Plan artifact

在新的迭代中开始测试和报告。Begin testing and reporting in the new iteration.

HTML5是这门通用语言的最新版。HTML5 is the latest iteration of this lingua franca.

第二部分代表迭代或递归。The second part represents the iteration or recursion.

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每个迭代都进行过程或测试的改进。Iteration by iteration process or testing improvements.

我们在这次迭代中加入可以加入的东西,而推迟完成其它东西。We fit what we can in the iteration and defer the rest.

团队是否会在某些时候对多于一次的迭代进行工作?Is the team working on more than one iteration at a time?

在下一次迭代过程中你将创建什么功能?What functionality will you create in the next iteration?

暴徒、喜欢冒险的人、反社会者,他们有自己版本的迭代吗?Sociopaths. Did they have their own versions of Iteration?

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哪个目标满足因素已经在迭代演示中被揭示?Which goal satisfiers were uncovered in the iteration demo?

我们来听下一段主题All right. Let's listen to the next iteration of this theme.

修改您的现已存在的查询来过滤新的迭代。Modify your existing queries to filter on the new iteration.