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烧灼燃烧器必须消毒。Cautery burners need to be sterilized.

仿佛它已经被炮烙心上,融进血液和骨骼。As if it had been cautery heart, into the blood and bones.

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刃纹是腐蚀出来的。装具看也做旧。假。The grains come out from cautery . The fittings is fake, too.

他们能够学习肠粘膜活检、烧灼、甚至肠息肉套扎术。They have the ability to perform mucosal biopsies, cautery and even snaring polyps.

早期病变可以有效地用放射线或烧灼术和刮除术来治疗。Early lesions can be successfully treated with irradiation or cautery and curettage.

伴随着皱纹的毛细血管破损可以用激光和化学的方法来治疗。Broken blood vessels accompany these wrinkles and can be treated with lasers or cautery.

目的探讨碘酊烧灼联合氟康唑治疗真菌性角膜溃疡的疗效。Objective To study the effect of iodine tincture cautery and Fluconazole on treating fungal corneal ulcer.

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目的比较电灼法与激光法治疗睑黄瘤的临床效果。Objective To compare the clinical effects between electric cautery and laser on the treatments of xanthelasmata.

优良的抗氧化能力及抗腐蚀能力,延长所有传动部件寿命。The outstanding performance in antioxidation and anti- cautery extended the duration of all the parts in transmission.

由于腐蚀一般都比较深,因此从表面上很难看出锻打工艺。另私人也难搞成分分析啊。Because the cautery is deep usually, it's hard to see the forging handiwork from surface. In addition, personally, it's hard to do component analysis.

结果几丁糖组新生血管较碱烧伤组生长缓慢,PMN计数及VEGF表达较碱烧伤组均明显减少。Results Compared with the Cautery groups the growth of CNV was slowly, the counts of PMN and the expressions of VEGF were both decreased significantly.

按摩术、柔道整腹术、接骨术、炙术、针术等,虽视同医疗相关事业予以管理,但从业者不属于医事人员。Practitioners of Massage, Abdomen Judo, Bone Uniting, Moxa Cautery , and Accupunture were also supervised but not qualified as health industry practitioners.

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宫颈常因脆弱组织外翻而出血,可以用大棉签压迫几分钟止血或用硝酸银棒烧灼止血。The cervix often bleeds from an ectropion of friable tissue. Hemostasis can be accomplished by applying pressure for several minutes with a large swab or by cautery with a silver nitrate stick.

封闭裂孔,可以采用雷射光凝固、冷冻凝固或电热烧灼法,使裂孔周图之视网膜与脉络膜接触面产生反应,进而使其结疤而将裂孔“焊死”。Closed hole, you can use laser photocoagulation, frozen or solidified electric cautery law so that the hole-map choroidal contact with the retina to respond, then it will scar the hole "welding die."