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股东们只是在等着有人来接手。Shareholders are just waiting for an undertaker.

殡馆的家伙给你孙儿买玩具呀。The undertaker will buy a toy for your grandson.

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当送葬者开始摇响我葬礼的丧钟。And the undertaker starts to ring my funeral bell.

失败是我们的老师,而绝非掘墓人。Failure should be our teacher, not our undertaker.

承办人承诺担任这一工作。An undertaker undertook to undertake an undertaking.

堂停顿下来,给了殡葬者一个礼貌的、讽刺的微笑。The Don paused and gave the undertaker a polite, ironic smile.

殡葬者闭了一会儿他的眼睛,然后开始说。The undertaker closed his eyes for a moment and then began to speak.

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安·兰德猜测这个“实干家”可能只是个向上爬的人。Ayn Rand speculated that this undertaker might just be a social climber.

我很高兴,我们总算没有在这边坐着等死。I’m glad to see we’re not just sitting around waiting for the undertaker.

就是这时,大家才会对经验老道的仵工感激不尽。It is here where the services of an experienced undertaker are most appreciated.

一天,班布尔先生在济贫院外面遇见了当地的棺材店老板索尔贝里先生。One day Mr Bumble met the local undertaker , Mr Sowerberry, outside the workhouse.

那人想了一会儿,跟葬仪社的人说他要把她运回家乡。The man thought about it and told the undertaker he would just have her shipped home.

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田村,与松郎晴子,文子一同,去见文子的担当者钱鸟。TianCun, and pine LangQingZi, text together to see text the undertaker of the money birds.

醍醐失去了他的工作,作为一个大提琴家,回到他的田舍根和跌倒到一份工作作为一个单位。Daigo loses his job as a cellist, returns to his inaka roots and stumbles into a job as an undertaker.

人要是放弃了生存的念头,存心想去殡仪馆排队,那任何医药都无能为力。This way people have of lining-up on the side of the undertaker makes the entire pharmacopoeia look silly.

抬棺人抬着灵柩,顺着狭窄的木板走,殡仪员拿着灵柩架在前面跑。The bearers carried the coffin along the narrow boards, while the undertaker ran ahead with the coffin-rests.

比如尼科尔森先生,他找到住在拉纳可附近的唐·默里,她在家中经营宠物殡葬业务。In Mr Nicholson's case he went to Dawn Murray, who runs the Pet Undertaker business from her home near Lanark.

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美方外交官凑成一团,商量以后告诉以方工作人员还是打算把他运回去。The U. S. diplomats go into a huddle and come back to the undertaker and tell him they still want Obama flown home.

蒙迪欧-致胜的用户除了是商海中的弄潮儿,是胜者,同样也要做崇高责任的担当者,要以爱和智慧赢取天道人心。The winner is not only a conqueror, but also an undertaker of responsibilities, winning support with love and wisdom.

Zulkuf是居住在一个与世隔绝的穷乡僻壤中的一个弱智,在当地的清真寺为他叔叔开的殡仪倌工作。Zülküf, , a half-wit, who lives in an isolated rural town and works as an undertaker for his uncle in the local mosque.