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这人就是费金。The stranger was Fagin.

他们想杀了你吗,费金?Are They trying to murder you, Fagin?

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费根蹑手蹑足了厨房的楼梯。Fagin stealthily descended the kitchen stairs.

费根蹑手蹑足了厨房的楼梯。Fagin stealthily descended the kitchen stairs.

到这时,赛克斯已喝得酩酊大醉了。By then, Sikes was very drunk, and Fagin got up to leave.

南希也在这儿,费金不自在地瞟了她一眼。Nancy was the re, too, and Fagin glanced at her uneasily.

费金已告诉他,逃跑是件忘恩负义的事。Fagin had told O liver how ungrateful he had been to run away.

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费金抓住神偷的衣领拼命地摇晃着他。Fagin took hold of the Dodger's collar and shook him violently.

费金进去时,比尔·赛克斯和他的狗正坐在火炉旁。Bill Sikes was sitting by his fire with his dog when Fagin entered.

一个和蔼的教唆犯,窝藏这一窝少年窃贼,充当他的赃物的走私者。A kindly Fagin who harbors a nest of adolescent thieves as runners for his goods.

费金拿出了一些啤酒,争斗好像平息了,大家又都坐了下来。Fagin produced some beer, and as the fight appeared to be over, everybody sat down.

我觉得为穷人的男孩,但在同时,我憎恶的罪恶法金及残酷的条例草案。I felt for the poor boy, but at the same time I detested the evil Fagin and the brutal Bill.

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神偷以一个非常娴熟的动作从衣服里滑了出来,使费金手里只攥着一件空衣服。The Dodger slid out of his coat in one smooth movement, leaving Fagin holding only the empty coat.

费金跟刚才进来的人聊着天,说奥利弗被警察抓起来了。In the conversation that followed, Fagin told the newcomer that O liver had been caught by the police.

费金在考虑着,半天没人吱声。然后他给赛克斯递了一个眼神,暗示他先让南希出去。The re was silence for a time, while Fagin thought. Then he made a sign to Sikes to tell Nancy to leave the room.

在介绍完共犯中止的一般理论以后,本文将共犯分为组织犯、实行犯、教唆犯和帮助犯分别展开其中止问题的讨论。After that we will discuss discontinued criminal of accomplices in the form of organizing offender, executor, fagin and accessory.

几星期后一个寒冷、潮湿又刮着大风的晚上,费金穿上厚厚的大衣,竖起衣领,把整个脸都遮住,离开了家。One damp, cold, windy night a few weeks later, Fagin put on his heavy coat and, with the collar pulled up high to hide his face, left his home.

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牢门打开了,当来访者离开的时候,费金开始挣扎,和看守打斗起来,他大声尖叫,使牢房的墙壁都产生了回响。The cell door opened, and as the visitors left, Fagin started struggling and fighting with his guards, screaming so loudly that the prison walls rang with the sound.

突然,楼下传来一阵轻轻的门铃声,走进来的是托比——是和比尔·赛克斯、奥利弗一起去切特赛那所房子盗窃的那个人。Suddenly the re was a faint ring on the bell downstairs, and Toby came in-the man who had gone with Bill Sikes and O liver to rob the house in Chertsey. Fagin jumped to his feet.