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你真的很爱找碴耶。You really love nitpick.

你真的很爱找碴耶。You really love to nitpick.

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挑剔总是比发明更为容易。It is much easier to nitpick than to invent.

编辑的职责之一是仔细挑出写作瑕疵。Part of an editor's job is to nitpick writing flaws.

总的来说,这个计划是好的,我们不应过于挑剔。On the whole it's a good plan and we shouldn't nitpick.

毕竟,挑三拣四比实际下厨做饭总是要容易得多。No, it’s always easier to nitpick than actually to cook the meal.

最好的办法是有足够耐心,不要吹毛求疵或者争吵。The best way to avoid this is to be patient and do not nitpick or argue.

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如果你越来越挑剔,还担心它就‘差一点点’,那么你永远也不可能完成它了。Nitpick and worry about getting it “just right”, and you’ll never get it done.

减少他们在与主题不相关的细节上的吹毛求疵。They're less likely to nitpick about details that aren't relevant at this stage.

挑剔他人则是不尊重他人,反过来就是不尊重自己,这样的人不会得到幸福。Nitpick toward others is equal to dishonoring them, which is equal to yourself, and then you can't get happiness from it.

我根本不知道那张专辑会成为经典,因为我们都是很吹毛求疵的人,所以它永远都不会见光的。I don't even know if that record would ever happen because we both would nitpick it so much, it'll never see the light of day.

现在,当我想吹毛求疵时,我就会想象如果我自己根据那些所谓的建议来做这件事会是什么样。When I want to nitpick nowadays, I just keep in mind that if I want to go to the trouble of offering unrequested advice, I might as well suggest I do it myself.

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本来给牧师的神学资格挑刺并非新闻记者的份内事,但把这场同样令海地儿童受苦受难的地震说成是迟来的报复,这似乎是在诽谤上帝。While it’s not for a journalist to nitpick a minister’s theological credentials, that implication of belated seismic revenge on Haitian children seems defamatory of God.