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让我们用“幼虫”。Let's use "hacienda."

位于哈岗最好的地区。Located in the best area of Hacienda Heights.

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他把一座大庄园作为礼物送给总统。He had made a present of a hacienda to the president.

优良的位置和角落土地房屋在哈岗。Nice location and corner lot house in Hacienda Heights.

当“庄园”夜总会倒闭时,许多人说,曼彻斯特的一部分完了。When the Hacienda died, many said a piece of Manchester died.

她的母亲是文盲,有着自己的庄园。She was born to an illiterate mother who ran her own hacienda.

哈仙达岗住宅这个市场其中一个最大的销售面积在现在可以是你的!One of the BIGGEST Hacienda Heights homes for sale in this market area can now be YOURS!

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很不幸,一些大陆的年轻人不懂得欣赏老庄园音乐。Unfortunately, some of the young European lads don't appreciate old Hacienda house music.

图中的阿拉贾德琳娜今年67岁,她正在蒙特罗萨种植园的园内伙房准备饭菜。Alejandrina Guzman, 67, prepares a meal in a hacienda kitchen on the Monterosa plantation.

该庄园酒店是在1996年破裂,使度假村空间巨大的曼德勒湾。The Hacienda Hotel was imploded in 1996 to make room for the gigantic Mandalay Bay Resort.

庄园风格的天井有一个装饰壁炉,建于砖,烧烤,水疗包括在内,一个不错的院子有风景。The hacienda style patio has a decorative fireplace, built in brick barbecue, spa included, anda nicesizeyard with view.

这个美丽的单层房屋是非常安全和位于哈仙达岗山上的有闸门社区里。This beautiful single house is very safe and located in the city of Hacienda Heights within the gated community on a hill.

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我在城市外的马场——马马科纳庄园的阳台享用了午餐,观看了秘鲁顶尖的驯马师如何训练乌黑的纯种马。I had lunch on the verandah of the Hacienda Mamacona horse ranch outside the city and watched Peru's top horsemen put sepia thoroughbreds through their paces.

随后他返回自己在拉合尔郊外的豪宅,那里有他圈养的两头雄狮和他在90年代两任巴总理时的太多回忆。He then returned to his opulent hacienda outside Lahore, which contains two stuffed lions and much memorabilia from his two terms as prime minister during the 1990s.

哈西恩德拉普恩特董事会副主席杰伊•陈说,“从俄勒冈到罗德岛,公立学校已经实施同样的计划。They are really misinformed, " said Jay Chen, vice president of the Hacienda La Puente board. "From Oregon to Rhode Island, public schools have implemented the same program.

漂亮的两层城市屋位于哈岗有门社区,还有连屋车库,通过您的私人庭院是,可作私人派对和烧烤。Beautiful 2 story Townhome located in Hacienda Creek Gated Community with an Attached garage with direct access through your private patio which is great for private parties and BBQs.