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那座城堡是座气势宏伟的建筑物。The castle is an imposing building.

他已失去堂堂仪表。He has lost his imposing appearance.

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山势崔巍。The mountains stand tall and imposing.

那座古城堡是一座雄伟的建筑。The old castle is an imposing building.

哈洛德年轻时体格壮硕。In his youth Harold was an imposing figure.

不断地颂唱庄严的国歌。Constantly hymning imposing national anthem.

为建筑物的正面喷沙。An imposing facade, building, person, personality.

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纳木错以其高海拔和令人窒息的美景而声名远扬。It is famous for its high altitude and imposing scenery.

圣西罗是一座豪华壮丽的球场,但我们不会被吓住。The San Siro is an imposing stadium but we can't freeze.

她越来越有大将之风了。She has more and more imposing force like a mighty general.

带我去游览雄伟壮观的布达拉宫,如何?Could you show me the imposing and magnificent Potala Palace?

图为她和哈里王子说笑的场景。Kate and her imposing headgear share a laugh with Prince Harry.

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宏伟的松树林沿着花园组成了一面防风墙。An imposing pine grove formed a windbreak along the edge of the garden.

在巨蛇的化石旁边,研究人员还发现了一种和鳄鱼类似的生物的化石。Remains of the croc-like animal were found close to the imposing snake.

人们普遍认为,施行紧缩政策无异于政治上的剖腹自杀。The idea that imposing austerity is political hara-kiri is widely held.

父亲看上去是个典型的马手,仪表堂堂,带阔边帽子,留大胡子。The father was an imposing horseback type with a wide hat and moustache.

我们可以去那里领略一下古城墙的雄姿。We may have a glimpse of the imposing ancient city wall from down there.

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布赖特以严格的训练方式使这位不列颠人恢复身体进入状态。He caned the Briton into shape, imposing on him a strict training regime.

许多无良商人用假冒伪劣商品坑害消费者。Many evil merchants swindle the customers by imposing fake goods on them.

如果你在学习电磁学,你应该知道它是一门让人印象深刻的学科。If you're studying electromagnetics, you know it can be an imposing topic.