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恐惧下巴。Fear of chins.

我怯怯乔乔冰冷。I fear the cold.

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我恐怕要迟到了。I fear I am late.

我们都害怕时间!We all fear time!

我们所有人都会畏惧。We all have fear.

他怕什么?What did he fear?

不要怕死。Do not fear death.

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为他的灵魂担忧。Fear for his soul.

他感到一阵恐惧。Fear came over him.

我因惧怕而屈服。I obeyed from fear.

毋恐无怵,自强不息。Fear not, be strong.

对失败的畏惧吗?The fear of failure?

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你可害怕寒风凛冽?Do You Fear the Wind?

我远离战争与恐惧。I leave war and fear.

她害怕得发抖。She quaked with fear.

她惊怕地尖声叫喊。She shrieked in fear.

我们不怕牺牲。We fear no sacrifice.

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我不能把恐惧显露出来。I could not show fear.

资讯科技是恐惧和忿怒.It was fear and anger.

难不成我还怕你吗?Maybe than I fear you?