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这个区域还是生物多样性的宝库。And the region remains a trove of biodiversity.

探讨了各群丛的物种多样性特征。The biodiversity character of each type was analysed.

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宭生物多样性是里约热内卢地球峰会上的时髦词儿。Biodiversity was the buzzword of the Rio Earth Summit.

而生物多样性的丧失加剧了气候变化。But the loss of biodiversity exacerbates climate change.

“你们能看到这里的生物多样性,”Varella回忆道。"You can see the biodiversity here , " recalled Varella.

不丹是全世界生物多样性最丰富的国家之一。Bhutan's biodiversity is one of the richest in the world.

是什么让热带地区的生物物种这么繁多呢?What is it about the tropics that so fosters biodiversity?

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保护生物多样性在林木育种中必须予以重视。Protecting biodiversity must be emphasized in tree breeding.

该研究同时还强调了通常被忽略的生物多样的另一个方面——生态平衡。It also highlights an often-neglected aspect of biodiversity.

土壤生物多样性会受影响。Soil biodiversity might be also influenced by climate change.

演替过程中植物的生物多样性逐渐增加。The biodiversity of the vegetations increased with succession.

马德里德雷奥斯声称要成为世界生物多样性之都。Madre de Dios claims to be the biodiversity capital of the world.

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它们也是日渐减少的生物多样性的来源。They are also an important source of ever-dwindling biodiversity.

在生物多样性保护上,不应该有国境的存在。There should be no national boundaries in biodiversity protection.

星期天是生物多样性国际日,联合国秘书长潘基文发表致词Sunday is World Biodiversity Day. UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon.

刈草草地昆虫群落多样性指数相对较高。The biodiversity index of cultivated grassland was also the highest.

他还指出,生物多样性还有美学和精神价值。Also, he points out, biodiversity has aesthetic and spiritual values.

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生物的多样性是检测生态系统的健康度的一种方法。Biodiversity is one of the ways to measure the health of an eco-system.

海洋生物种群预测研究描绘了在开放海域的鱼类的演变多样性热点。FMAP charted evolving biodiversity hot spots for fish in the open ocean.

也许海域和陆地在生物多样性方面遵循着不同的规则。Perhaps biodiversity at sea and on land are governed by different rules.