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并对出生的男宝宝进行隐睾症症状检查。Boys were examined after birth for any signs of cryptorchidism.

目的探讨腹腔镜在高位隐睾手术中的应用。Objective To study the application of laparoscopic surgery on high cryptorchidism.

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不过,引起隐睾的原因,主要还是与局部机械性因素有关。However, the causes of cryptorchidism caused mainly with the local mechanical factors.

由于丹麦隐睾症较普遍,因此有关其研究的兴趣就很高。Interest in cryptorchidism is high in Denmark because the defect is unusually common there.

目的探讨腹腔镜在高位隐睾诊断和治疗中的价值。Objective To study the value of laparoscope in the diagnosis and treatment of high cryptorchidism.

随着复位时间的延长,隐睾组织的病理损害有恢复的趋势。It is to lighten that pathological damage of testes of cryptorchidism with prolongation of reset time.

目的探讨高频超声对于隐睾症的诊断价值。Objective To investigate the value of high frequency ultrasonography in the diagnosis of cryptorchidism.

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遗憾的是,很多人对隐睾不够重视,直到成年才到医院就诊。Unfortunately, many people do not pay enough attention to cryptorchidism until adult only go to hospital for treatment.

有些学者认为,造成隐睾的原因与睾丸本身状态也有关,如发育不充分。Some scholars believe that the reasons causing cryptorchidism and testicular state itself, such as inadequate development.

利用这些信息,我和我的合作者能在狗身上做实验以学习人类和老鼠的隐睾症。Using this information, we and our collaborators studying human and mouse cryptorchidism , have performed pilot studies in dogs.

目的探讨腹腔镜下睾丸复位固定术治疗隐睾症的临床疗效。Objective To probe into the clinical curative effect of using laparoscopic testis reduction and orchiopexy to treat cryptorchidism.

本文总结156例隐睾行阴囊肉膜囊法加牵引线外固定或精索内固定术。A total of 156 cases was seen in consultation for cryptorchidism using dartos pouch technique with traction suture and spermatic cord fixation.

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目的探讨隐睾病儿的最佳手术年龄及保留睾丸引带睾丸固定术的可行性及临床应用价值。Objective To discuss the feasible and clinic value of orchiopexy reserving gubernaculum testis and appropriate operative age of cryptorchidism.

目的通过大鼠睾丸血流供应的实验研究为临床高位隐睾手术提供理论依据。Objective To provide theoretical basis in operation of high-positional cryptorchidism through the study of testicular blood supply of the mice.

结论彩色多普勒超声能够对隐睾进行详细的解剖定位,为临床选择治疗方案提供极有价值的信息。Color Doppler Ultrasound can provide detailed anatomical positioning for cryptorchidism and provide valuable information for clinical treatment.

某些研究认为杀虫剂与隐睾或尿道下裂等男婴生殖器异常病症存在联系,并且杀虫剂会降低男性精子数量。Some research has linked pesticides to abnormal genitals in baby boys, such as cryptorchidism and hypospadias, and decreased sperm counts in men.

隐睾症是临床较常见的先天性生殖器畸形,其病因迄今仍未能阐明。Cryptorchidism is a clinically common congenital deformity of the genital organ, the etiological factors of which are still not clarified up to now.

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本研究观察了实验性隐睾与去垂体大鼠的血清、睾丸与间质液中抑制素水平与血清中FSH的水平。In this study we observed inhibin levels of serum, testis and interstitial fluid and serum FSH level after cryptorchidism or hypophysectomy in rats.

方法回顾分析2年来采用腹腔镜下睾丸复位固定术治疗隐睾症16例患儿的临床资料。Methods The clinical data of the 16 cases of cryptorchidism by laparoscopic testis reduction and orchiopexy in our hospital in the last two years were reviewed and analyzed.

结论用皮下泵模拟人体下丘脑脉冲式释放LHRH的方法治疗小儿隐睾症是有效的,无性早熟等副作用。Conclusion Pulsatile release LHRH by using a percutaneous pump is effective for the treatment of cryptorchidism in children. No pubertas praecox and other side effects were found.