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果实矩圆形。Fructification quadrature circle.

果实具梳状细条纹。Fructification provides pectination pinstripe.

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目的准确地鉴别伞形科果实类药材。Objective To identify Umbelliferous fructification herbs.

当然,你也可以去偷别人的果实。Of course, you also can steal the fructification of others.

果实椭圆形像红色的、黄色的鹅蛋。Fructification resembles red elliptically, goose egg of yellow.

果实包括果皮。种皮。子叶和胚四部分。Fructification includes peel, seed coat, cotyledon and embryo 4 parts.

总状的花序达7厘米在果期,密被黄色短柔毛。Inflorescence racemose to 7 cm at fructification , densely yellow pubescent.

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甜柿在该生态型区,早果、丰产性好。Non-astringent persimmon fructification was early in mid-subtropical region.

花是易谢的,只有果实,才可以慢慢品尝。The flower withers easily, have fructification only, ability can sample slowly.

这款设计灵感来自葡萄成熟丰满的果实。This design inspiration comes from the fructification with mature and plump grape.

此为职业经理人加盟,分享胜利果实的最佳时机。This is professional handler to join in, share the optimal opportunity of triumphal fructification.

施用核糖核酸和5'-核苷酸试验,其对生长于林间的松茸子实体的活化作用。Ribonucleic acid and 5'-nucleotide were tested for fructification of Tricholoma matsutake in the field.

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为什么水果皮的营养成分要比果实多,而我们却喜欢吃果实?Why the nutrient composition of fruit skin should compare fructification much, and do we like to eat fruit however?

而那些光亮的工业设计,可以呈现现代文明与天然果实的奇妙对话。And those shining industry designs, can present the wonderful dialogue of modern culture and natural fructification.

这时候,生命的果实便像熟稻子一样,在美丽平静的气氛中等待收获。At that time, the fructification of life resembles ripe rice same, results awaits in the atmosphere that calms in beauty.

原木墙可以分三合板和实木板几种,假如实木板的话,价格会相差很远。Log wall can divide plywood and solid board a few kinds, be like the word of fructification board, the price can differ very far.

这种乔木高7米,果实呈卵形或椭圆形,烤制后芳香异常,脆如花生米,食…This kind of arbor is 7 meters tall, fructification submits egg form or elliptic, bake the scent after making unusual, fragile be like pignut, feed.

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我们真诚希望读者为这株新苗洒水、施肥,让它花繁叶茂、果实累累。We hope the reader is aspersion of this plant new young plant, fertilization sincerely, let it spend again and again of numerous Xie Mao, fructification.

草莓系多年生草本植物,其果实由花托发育而成为肉质聚合果,这与一般水果由子房发育而来不同。Strawberry fastens vivacious herb, its fructification makes fruit of fleshy qualitative group by thalamus development, this and general fruit differ by ovarian development.

在子实体发育的幼小阶段,菌柄、菌柄与菌盖之间组织的脱氢酶活性高于菌褶和菌肉组织中的酶活。The dehydrogenase activity from the tissues of the stipe and between the stipe and pileus is higher than the lamella and context tissues during young growth of the fructification.