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当她坐在教堂里时,脸上带着一种哀婉和辛辣的表情。As she sat in church her face had a pathos and poignancy.

这些画面虽然寻常,却丝毫没有减弱其中蕴含的辛酸和感染力。These images lose none of their poignancy or power in this familiarity.

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如果影片是在老生常谈,那么它毫无雕琢的写实风格为其增添了尖锐和深度。If the movie tells an old story, its unvarnished realism lends it poignancy and depth.

但乔布斯的演讲现在有一个难以承受的辛酸,特别是对于那些认识他的人。But Jobs's address has an unbearable poignancy just now, especially for those who knew him well.

因为复制人一般不知道自己是复制人,他们的“人生”中可能出现极度的辛酸悲苦。Since replicants in general do not know they are replicants, there can be real poignancy in their lives.

每天都在为构建这座装填有杂乱信息、睿智话语、笑话和个人沉浮辛酸的巨塔贡献力量。Just trying to do my little part to build the giant tower of Tweeted junk, wisdom, jokes, ephemera and poignancy.

正是这一点,导致将土耳其作为覆盖所有穆斯林和突厥地区的帝国之核心的幻想尤其地辛酸。Which lends extra poignancy to the vision of Turkey as the lynchpin of this empire, covering all Muslims and all Turks.

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这两次意外都令人为之动容,严重的惨案甚至使得这两家俱乐部在球场上取得的一切成功都显得如此黯淡无光。Both of these have been touched by truly tragic events, which always add a tinge of poignancy to their many successes on the field.

可是,天下的父亲总要等很久很久,才会对儿子感到放心。当他们这样做的时候,那种影响和辛酸是压倒性的。Ah, fathers, they wait so long before they let down their guard with their sons. When they do the power and poignancy of it is overwhelming.

演讲前的一个月,46岁的波许刚得知他的生命只剩下几个月了,这个消息使他的演讲份外精彩。A month before the speech, the 46-year-old Pausch was told he had only months to live, a prognosis that heightened the poignancy of his address.

这些事件突出的对比反映了关于葬礼的老式的和新式的,年轻的和老的,宗教典礼和真感情,有时候滑稽诙谐,有时候让人辛酸。These incidents contrast old ways and new ways, young and old, ritual ceremony and true feelings, often comically , but sometimes with real poignancy.

许和编剧李樯对幽默的观察很有诀窍,但影片和演员用了太多时间做过重的喜剧表演,忽视了隐含的辛酸。Hui and screenwriter Li Qiang have a knack for humorous observation, but the film rambles , the actors tending for too long to overplay the comedy and ignore the underlying poignancy.

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这些作品生动地捕捉了原居住者之前的生活和兴趣,并且强烈地表现出他们搬离时毫无选择的窘状。Vivid testimony of the lives and interests of the former occupants, the poignancy of these photographs is intensified by awareness that their owners probably had no choice in their relocation.