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乙醚和氯仿的军事用途Military Use of Ether and Chloroform

这个显现会与最后一个元素-乙太元素一起到来。That comes with the last tattva- the ether.

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喉轮的元素是空。The element of vishuddhi is ether , akasha.

希拉的父亲真是个一毛不拔的铁公鸡。A cotton wad that was impregnated with ether.

唱诗班的晚祷声仍然在空中回荡。Choral evensong still wafts across the ether.

想着拨乱你无辜的苍穹。Thinking of dial you innocent disorderly ether.

能与水、醇、醚相混溶。With water, alcohol, ether phase immiscibility.

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今天的新闻广播听后不久即置于脑后了。Today's news goes into the ether and is soon forgotten.

今天的新闻广播听后不久即置于脑后了。Today's news went into the ether and was soon forgotten.

有个家伙拿了块抹布,你可以老远就闻到乙醚的气味。One's got a rag in his hand, and you can smell the ether.

难道在以太里居住的精灵,不妒羡世人的痛苦吗?Do not the spirits who dwell in the ether envy man his pain?

结果以高收率合成了目的化合物。RESULTS Estrogen 3-methyl ether was obtained with high yield.

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利用乙醚裂解流行性感冒病毒,制得该疫苗。Using ether to spilt influenza virus to produce this vaccine.

对甲基叔丁基醚装置共沸塔的运行基础进行了描述。Operation basis of methyl tert-buty ether device is described.

目的改进雌激素类化合物3位酚羟基的甲醚化工艺。OBJECTIVE To improve the preparation of estrogen 3-methyl ether.

不使用易燃性乙醚作溶剂,省略高真空蒸馏。Inflammable ether was not used and vacuum distillation was omitted.

我应该轻易地让美国汽车制造业消失到太空里去吗?Should I simply allow the U.S. auto industry to vanish into the ether?

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月亮,也广泛的被认为是炽热的天空中完美的球体。The moon, too, was widely believed to be a perfect sphere of fiery ether.

所有这些都基于电动力学,是以太论的前提。All this was based on classical electrodynamics, assuming an ether theory.

卡波沫为丙烯酸键合蔗糖的烯丙基醚的聚合物,呈酸性。Kaposi acrylic foam bonded to the allyl ether of sucrose polymers, acidic.