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天下没有不散的盛筵。The longest day has an end.

句子可以无限延长There's no longest sentence.

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我最长的飞行记录是3.6个小时,网秦手机杀毒免费版。My longest flight was 3.6 hours.

什么鸟的翅膀最长?Which bird has the longest wing?

Dalarna最长的滑雪坡道。The longest ski slope in Dalarna.

最低的声音是持续最久的The lowest sounds last the longest.

这是世界上最长的河。This is the longest fiver on earth.

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Xobni有着最长的使用记录。Xobni has the longest track record.

红色的钢笔是三支中最长的。The red pen is the longest of the few.

你读过最厚的一本书是什麽?What's the longest book you ever read?

全地球上最长的外字词词是什么?What's the longest phrase in the state?

阿克伦最长的干线是市场街。Akron's longest artery is Market Street.

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火烤得越久,越易感到冷。Longest at the fire, soonest finds cold.

红色的钢笔是三支中最长的。The red pen is the longest of the three.

在英文中哪一个单词是最长的?What is the longest word in the English?

水上乐园有世界上最长的水的年代。Watertown has the world's longest waters.

这些钻杆中哪一根最长?。Which is the longest of these drill pipes?

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这是加拿大最长的高速公路。This is one of longest motorways in Canada.

棉纤维细胞是迄今为止发现的最长的植物细胞。Fibers cells are the longest cells in planta.

贾斯珀缆车是加拿大最长的缆车。Jasper Tramway is Canada's longest cable car.