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当然也有例外,比如图卢兹的空客集团。There are exceptions—think of Airbus in Toulouse.

图卢兹前锋安德烈-皮埃尔·吉尼亚克渴望转会利物浦。Toulouse striker Andre-Pierre Gignac is keen on a move to Liverpool.

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在图卢兹投资商业化农业There are nobles around Toulouse who have invested in commercial agriculture.

大卫博士从法国图卢兹国家兽医学院毕业。Dr. David graduated from the Ecole Nationale Veterinaire de Toulouse in France.

法国图卢兹大学的马汀居法与戴尔联系以期回答这个问题。Martin Giurfa at France's Université de Toulouse contacted Dyer to work on that question.

当然也有例外,比如图卢兹的空客集团。Its banking industry is based in London. There are exceptions—think of Airbus in Toulouse.

利物浦队长仍然因为在与图鲁兹的比赛中所受的脚伤接受治疗。The Liverpool skipper is still nursing the broken toe which sidelined him against Toulouse in midweek.

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另一个C919的供应商,利勃海尔航宇上海的团队与图卢兹和林登贝格的相当。Another C919 supplier, Liebherr-Aerospace, has teams in Shanghai as well as in Toulouse and Lindenberg.

我从土鲁斯到巴黎,在那里没有耽搁多久,就到了加来,随后就在多维尔平安登陆。I travelled from toulouse to paris, and without any considerable stay came to calais, and landed safe at dover.

自从伊伦加在今年夏天的早些时候转会去了图卢兹队以后,圣埃蒂安队一直盼望着加强他们的防线。Les Verts have been looking to reinforce their defence since losing Herita Ilunga to Toulouse earlier in the summer.

图卢兹球星摩萨西索科承认,与利物浦和曼城的转会传闻联系到一起,令他感到莫大荣幸。Toulouse star Moussa Sissoko admits he has been flattered by rumours linking him with Manchester City and Liverpool.

天津是除了在法国图卢兹和德国汉堡之外拥有总装线的第三个城市。Tianjin is the third city which have the Airbus final assembly line besides Toulouse in France and Hamburg in Germany.

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法国南部一城市,位于土鲁兹东南部。其中世纪的城堡是一个主要的旅游胜地。人口4,53。A city of southern France southeast of Toulouse. Its medieval stronghold is a major tourist attraction. Population, 4,53.

周日较小规模的抗议活动还在布鲁塞尔、马德里、法国巴黎、里昂、图卢兹举行,甚至远在东京也有抗议战场。Smaller protests were also held on Sunday in Brussels, Madrid, Lisbon, Paris, Lyon and Toulouse in France, and as far afield as Tokyo.

1790年,一只装着两张信纸的白色信封从巴黎寄出,目的地是法国西南部图卢兹附近的Seix。In 1790 the white envelope containing two sheets of writing paper was sent from Paris to the south west France town of Seix, near Toulouse.

在明天对阵图卢兹以及周末迎战德比郡的比赛中,芬兰人将会顶替卡拉格缺席的空缺和丹尼尔。阿格搭档中后卫。The Finn will be available to partner Daniel Agger in the absence of Carragher against Toulouse tomorrow and against Derby County this weekend.

他和丝苔妮在上午四点左右离开哥本哈根到巴黎,在那里他们赶上了当天第一班法国航空南飞图卢兹。He and Stephanie had left Copenhagen around four AM and flown to Paris, where they caught the first Air France shuttle of the day south for Toulouse.

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在其他转会消息中,阿森纳再一次与法甲球员有了碰撞,看中了法甲图卢兹俱乐部的中场埃蒂安·卡普埃。Moving over to transfer news, Arsenal has been linked again with another player from Ligue 1, holding midfielder from Toulouse called Etienne Capoue.

在图卢兹2-1击败罗马尼亚使得格伦-霍德尔的球队获得小组第二出线,第二轮英格兰在圣埃蒂安遭遇阿根廷。A 2-1 defeat against Romania in Toulouse ensured a second-placed group finish for Glenn Hoddle's team and a meeting with the Argentine's in St Etienne.

雷法洛,生得一张孩子气的脸,留着背头,身材瘦小的男子,图卢兹郊区Colomiers朱渡轮小学,教书数载。Refalo, a slight man with a boyish face and swept-back hair, has taught for years at Jules Ferry Elementary School in the Toulouse suburb of Colomiers.