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这里是冰球场。This is a hockey rink.

冰球妈妈来救驾了!Hockey mom to the rescue!

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瑶瑶经常打曲棍球。Yao Yao often plays hockey.

他们正在打曲棍球。They were playing at hockey.

冰球队的目标是打赢比赛。A hockey team’s goal is to win.

曲棍球起源于英国。Hockey originated from England.

南京有冰球场么?There is ice hockey in Nanjing?

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我是一个冰球队的教练。I'm coaching a hockey team here.

他们不关注曲棍球。They don't pay attention to hockey.

冰上曲棍球是一项很费脑力的运动。Ice hockey is a really cerebral game.

约翰在那个曲棍队当守门员。John played goal for the hockey team.

我用曲棍使它滑动。I move it around with my hockey stick.

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我曾经是该冰上曲棍球队的副队长。I was vice captain of the hockey team.

他是个在“一对一”的比赛中很厉害的曲棍球选手。He is a great face-off player in hockey.

我打冰球的时候是一名左边锋。I played as a left-winger at ice hockey.

我要去拾马粪给我的园子施肥。I try to get horse hockey for my garden.

我喜欢祖卡列特。这是一个芬兰曲棍球球队。I like Jokerit. It's a Finnish hockey team.

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冰球场比你想象的要温暖的多。Hockey rinks are a lot warmer than you think.

我甚至参加全部由男孩子组成的冰球队。I even played on an all boy’s ice hockey team.

美国橄榄球运动员戴垫肩以保护双肩。Football and hockey players wear shoulder pads.