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米兰后卫蒂亚戈席尔瓦已经准备好了。The defender of Milan, Thiago Silva is ready.

席尔瓦是葡萄牙右翼党派民众党成员。Silva is a member of the rightist People's Party.

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席尔瓦总统称国家面临巨大的挑战。President Silva said the country faced a huge challenge.

比利亚身后的中场,还有很大创造的空间,但还缺一个好的边路。Big creative hole in central midfield behind Silva but a good side.

蒂亚戈席尔瓦在对阵卡塔尼亚前及时从大腿伤患中恢复。Thiago Silva recovered from a thigh injury in time to face Catania.

如果哲科能来的话,那么米兰的两个非欧名额将会留给蒂亚戈·席尔瓦和哲科。Our two non-EU players will be Thiago Silva and Dzeko, if Dzeko comes.

阿森纳中场吉尔伯托·席尔瓦正在考虑来自尤文图斯的报价。Arsenal midfielder Gilberto Silva is mulling over an offer from Juventus.

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尤文图斯正在和阿森纳就中场吉尔伯托。席尔瓦进行谈话。Juventus are in advanced talks with Arsenal for midfielder Gilberto Silva.

弗卢米嫩塞队的后卫蒂亚戈。席尔瓦也是米兰转会市场的目标。Also a confirmed target for the Rossoneri is Fluminense defender Thiago Silva.

届时我们将会看到蒂亚戈·席尔瓦首次代表米兰参加比赛。It will also be the first chance to see Thiago Silva with the Rossoneri shirt.

托特纳姆的卢卡。莫德里奇和帕纳辛纳科斯的吉尔伯托。席尔瓦也是老妇人的目标。Tottenham's Luca Modric is also a target as is Gilberto Silva of Panathinaikos.

然而,AC米兰仍然也有可能签下巴西后卫阿莱克斯-席尔瓦。However, there still is a possibility to sign Brazilian defender Alex Silva too.

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克林顿在巴西利亚和巴西总统卢拉举行了会谈。Clinton held talks in Brasilia with Brazil's President Luiz Inacio Lula de Silva.

不过西尔瓦的助攻帮助阿的巴约完成他的帽子戏法。It is Silva who creates the chance which Adebayor converts to score his hat-trick.

弟媳确定甘索会来米兰内洛投奔他。Milan's Thiago Silva is certain that Ganso wants to come to join him at Milanello.

弟媳接受了人们把他当做马队的接班人。Thiago Silva accepts he is the successor at AC Milan to club legend Paolo Maldini.

阿森纳将在周四上诉争取为爱德华多·达席尔瓦拿到一份劳工许可证。Arsenal will try to secure a work permit for Eduardo Da Silva on appeal on Thursday.

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深陷债务的巴伦西亚可能会卖掉席尔瓦来平衡收支。Silva may be sold by Los Che to help balance the books at the club, who are in debt.

胡锦涛和夫人刘永清礼节性会见席尔瓦总统夫妇。President Hu and his wife Liu Yongqing had a courtesy meeting with Silva and his wife.

弟媳很自信,炎天甘索希望加盟的是米兰。THIAGO SILVA is very confident that Paulo Henrique Ganso wishes a summer move to Milan.