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埃及乱糟糟的。Egypt is a mess.

所以,对,埃及非常混乱。So, yes, Egypt is messy.

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你要回到埃及去。Youshall go back to Egypt.

埃及圣凯瑟琳地区。Saint Catherine area, Egypt.

猫是由埃及人养驯的。Egypt is a country in Africa.

他们结队在埃及坐大篷车旅行。They caravaned through Egypt.

埃及是非洲的一个国家。Egypt is a country in Afric a.

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他不远千里从埃及来。He came all the way from Egypt.

他们便将若瑟带到埃及去了。They brought Joseph into Egypt.

埃及人民被愚弄了。The people of Egypt were fooled.

他们从未在埃及服水土。They never acclimatized in Egypt.

欢迎古埃及王国。Welcome to ancient Egypt Kingdom.

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埃及是一个食用面包的国家。Egypt is a nation of bread eaters.

奥西里斯是埃及最重要的神。Osiris, or the chief god of Egypt.

斯特卡纳神庙遗址,墙壁满位老壁。Karnak temple site in Luxor, Egypt.

而这数字,就像那埃及大神一样。This figure, like the god of Egypt.

埃及是文明的发祥地。Egypt is the cradle of civilization.

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伊斯兰教希腊文化前夕的埃及。Egypt on the eve of Islam Hellenism.

1954年,他在埃及度假期间去世。He died on holiday in Egypt in 1954.

一本老书闻起来就像是古埃及。An old book smells like ancient Egypt.