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难道圣灵徒劳的预先这些东西?Did the Holy Ghost in vain forewarn of these things?

但是受精的蟋蟀似乎确实拥有预警能力。But pregnant crickets, it appears, do have the ability to forewarn.

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一个警告克里奥帕特拉不要和朱利叶斯凯撒结盟的占卜。A divination to forewarn Cleopatra against an alliance with Julius Caesar.

大片的太阳黑子爆发会预警将有大规模太阳风暴,会释放超过原子弹威力十亿倍以上的能量。Groups of sunspots forewarn of gigantic solar storms that can unleash a billion times more energy than an atomic bomb.

我们正错过警告小夫妻一旦孩子降生他们将会面对挑战的绝好机会。We are missing a golden opportunity to forewarn new parents of the challenges they might face once their baby arrives.

臭氧总量的连续观测与分析对青藏高原的生态环境与气候能够起到预警作用。Continuous observation and analysis of total ozone would help forewarn the change of the environment and climate over Tibetan Plateau.

对此,本论文就如何构建一套既能预警品牌危机又能维护品牌安全的企业品牌危机预警系统进行了深入探讨。In response, this article researches on how to build a brand early-warning system that can not only forewarn the brand crisis but also maintain the brand security.

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每一年,孟加拉国当局都采纳倔强措施来避免剽窃,并且路程经过过程报纸和电视实行了大范围的媒体宣传活动警告学生。Every year, Bangladeshi government takes strong measures to stop cheating and carries out a massive media campaign to forewarn students through print and television.

本文依据企业危机预警原理,对企业财务活动中危机现象进行预警和防范,以达到防止和纠正企业在财务管理方面的不良波动和危机。Based on enterprise crises forewarning theory, the study aims to forewarn and take precautions against financial management mistakes and crises so as to prevent and rectify them.

通过对事故症候相似性查询,建立安全预警系统,为调度员提供事故预警信息。Through accident symptom similarity inquiry, we can establish an security warning system, providing accident early warning information for the dispatcher to forewarn the information.