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于是每次救市是临时应对,伴随恐慌一片。So each bailout has been ad hoc and panicky.

这个惊惧的妇人,带著烧焦的头发,刚刚逃离火场。With singed hair, the panicky woman just escaped from the fire.

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若有由此而引发的市场恐慌跌势应当被视为买进良机。Any panicky market sell-off should be seen as buying opportunities.

在你感到恐惧,意志消沉或痛苦难堪的时候尤其有用。It’s great for when you are feeling fearful, distressed or panicky.

他们掌握了权力便得意洋洋,一想到可能丢权便又惊慌失措。They grow euphoric in authority and panicky at the thought of losing it.

这使得运营商对任何未取得他们许可的网络使用感到恐惧。This has made carriers panicky about any uses they haven't pre-approved.

这种不确定性导致对粮食的恐慌性购买,以至物价飞涨。And that uncertainty leads to panicky purchases of grain, driving prices skyward.

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父母两人都焦急万分,他们的脸上布满了焦虑。My parents were furious and panicky. I saw in their faces multitudes of emotions.

我不愿对局势如此悲观,这让我感到恐慌和过度紧张。I hate to get this pessimistic about the situation. It feels panicky and overwrought.

如果那位催眠师暗示你在害怕,你也许会惊慌或开始流汗。If the hypnotist suggests that you are afraid, you may feel panicky or start to sweat.

这导致了恐惧型的抛售,就业人口大幅削减和家庭囤积现金。This led to panicky selling, sharp cuts in payrolls and hoarding of cash by households.

但是在这样一个风声鹤唳的市场中,即便是像波兰这样相对强劲的经济体也遭受了重创。But in a panicky market, even relatively strong economies such as Poland are taking a beating.

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惊恐的巴基斯坦估计最终印度年核武器制造量将达到280个。By one panicky Pakistani estimate, India could eventually be making 280 nuclear weapons a year.

但失眠患者最需要的是摆脱失眠与床之间的不健康联系。But what insomniacs need most is to break the panicky association between bed and sleeplessness.

以惊惶失措的降息来应对市场恐慌很有可能使情况恶化。Reacting to market panic with panicky rate cuts is likely to make things worse rather than better.

几乎一向反应迟钝的美国证券市场陷入恐慌状态,波动剧烈。S. securities markets, nearly always behind the curve, have gone into a state of panicky volatility.

几乎一向反应迟钝的美国证券市场陷入恐慌状态,波动剧烈。U.S. securities markets, nearly always behind the curve, have gone into a state of panicky volatility.

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当你想起贮存在厨房里的食物时,很难一点都不恐慌。When you stop and think about all the food stored in your kitchen, it's hard not to get a little panicky.

在大标题的影响力和恐慌的版之下,无理性的传染能容易地传布过一个固定的社区。Under the influence of headlines and panicky print, the contagion of unreason can easily spread through a settled community.

这个近乎拟声的词语是用来形容正当你要介绍某人却忘记了人家名字的那一刻前,你能想到的恐慌迟疑。The nearly onomatopoeic word for that panicky hesitation just before you have to introduce someone whose name you can’t quite remember.