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他们在萨拉索塔有个基地。They got a base in Sarasota , I think.

当时的他不过二十出头,是萨拉索塔的新佛罗里达学院的大二学生。Brenner was a sophomore at New College of Florida in Sarasota.

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我们甚至发现了很多人考虑萨拉索塔休假与我们联系。We've even noticed a lot of Sarasota people taking a vacation with us.

你一定要建立尽可能多的内容到您的网站,萨拉索塔正如你可以的。You must build as much content into your site about Sarasota as you can.

确切地说是佛罗里达州的夏洛特县,这一片土地依偎在该州西海岸的萨拉索塔市和那不勒斯市的怀抱中。Charlotte County, Fla, to be precise – a stretch of land nestled between Sarasota and Naples on the state's west coast.

西罗通达位于萨拉索塔和迈尔斯堡之间的佛罗里达西南部,是计划拥有超过5000个家庭的社区。Rotonda West, in southwest Florida between Sarasota and Fort Myers, is a planned community with more than 5, 000 homes.

萨拉托加声称直到九月一日大概有三分之一的佛罗里达地区的学校回应了这个提议。The Sarasota Herald-Tribune says only about one-third of the school districts in Florida may answer a call for proposals by October first.

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萨拉索塔区的瓶鼻海豚觅食许多种类的鱼,包括鲱鱼、海鳟鱼、以及一只就可重达一、两磅的鲶鱼。In the Sarasota area, bottlenose dolphins feed on a variety of fish, including mullet, sea trout, and catfish, which may weigh one to two pounds each.

“例如,如果你所要接触的潜在置业者在萨拉索塔,佛罗里达州,那你要说清楚,你的网站是关于”房地产在萨拉索塔。For instance, if you are trying to reach potential home buyers in Sarasota , Florida, then you must make it clear that your site is about real estate in Sarasota.

汉娜和她的儿子属于一个长年生活在萨拉索塔附近沿著西佛罗里达海岸的浅水近岸海域,数量约100只的瓶鼻海豚族群。Hannah and her son are members of a population of about 100 bottlenose dolphins living year round in the shallow inshore waters along the west coast of Florida, near Sarasota.

我们真诚希望,在不久的将来,厦门思明区和萨拉索塔能够共同发展,在文化、教育、体育、科技和经济上进行更多方面的交流。We sincerely hope that in the near future, we can mutually develop more cultural, educational, sports, technological and economical exchanges between Siming, Xiamen and Sarasota.